臨牀消化器内科 Vol.23 No.9(3-2)

特集名 遺伝性大腸疾患の最近の話題
題名 ポリポーシスの最近の話題 (2) 家族性大腸腺腫症の消化管外合併症の診断と治療
発刊年月 2008年 08月
著者 角崎 秀文 佐々木研究所附属杏雲堂病院外科
著者 岩間 毅夫 佐々木研究所附属杏雲堂病院外科
【 要旨 】 家族性大腸腺腫症 (FAP) では消化管以外にも多彩な病変を合併する.デスモイドは組織学的には良性だが,臨床的に悪性のこともある腫瘍性病変で,CT,MRIなどで診断し部位や周囲臓器との関係,臨床症状を考慮して手術,薬物療法,化学療法,放射線療法などを試みるが,自然消退することもあり,無症状の症例では経過観察も一つの方法である.骨腫や歯の異常,先天性網膜色素上皮肥厚は通常は治療を要することはないが,大腸ポリポーシスよりも先に発見されることがありFAP診断の契機となりうる.甲状腺癌は2 %程度にみられるが,診断,治療は通常のものと同様である.副腎皮質腫瘍は通常と同様に偶発腫として発見されることが多く,4 cmを超えるものや機能性腫瘍では切除を考慮する.脳腫瘍では髄芽腫が多い.軟部腫瘍では脂肪腫や類皮嚢胞が多く,通常のものと同様に治療する.
Theme Evaluation of the Chemotherapy for the Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer
Title Management of Extraintestinal Manifestations in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Author Hidefumi Tsunozaki Department of Surgery, Kyoundo Hospital, Sasaki Foundation
Author Takeo Iwama Department of Surgery, Kyoundo Hospital, Sasaki Foundation
[ Summary ] A number of extra-gastrointestinal manifestations which are frequently associated with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) are discribed. In relation to these conditions, desmoid tumors are non-metastasising but aggressive forms of fibromatosis which occur in about 10 - 25 % of patients with FAP, usually after abdominal surgery. Close observation is one of the best ways to provide optimal treatment of desmoid tumors. Osteomas, including dental abnormalities and congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE) are harmless lesions but helpful in the diagnosis of FAP. Thyroid carcinoma occurs in 2 % of FAP cases and is usually limited to female patients. This condition displays the specific histological features of FAP. Pancreatic cancer and periampullary cancer are the most serious tumors, and are found in about 2 % of FAP patients. Early detection is essential for curative treatment. Adrenocortical tumors are usually found to be related to incidentaloma when examined with ultrasonography, CTs or MRIs. Large tumors which exceed 4 cm in size should be considered for surgical treatment. Brain tumors rarely occur in patients with FAP. This condition should be distinguished from Turcot syndrome. Other soft tissue tumors and gynecological malignancies are discussed.