臨牀消化器内科 Vol.23 No.9(2-3)

特集名 遺伝性大腸疾患の最近の話題
題名 遺伝性非ボリボーシス大腸癌 (HNPCC) の最近の話題 (3) HNPCC診療に閲する問題点
発刊年月 2008年 08月
著者 渡邉 聡明 帝京大学医学部外科
【 要旨 】 遺伝性非ポリポーシス大腸癌 (HNPCC) の診療には,診断,治療などに関するさまざまな問題点が存在する.診断に関しては,診断基準としてAmsterdam criteriaが報告されている.しかし,Amsterdam criteriaでは,本邦をはじめアジアのHNPCC症例に多いとされる胃癌がHNPCC関連癌として扱われていない点や,核家族化が進むなか,家族構成員が少ない場合に本基準を適応する際の問題点などが存在する.こうした点を考慮して,BethesdaガイドラインやSuspected HNPCC criteriaの重要性が指摘されている.実際の臨床の場では,こうした背景にある問題点を含めてHNPCCの可能性を考慮して診療にあたることが重要である.
Theme Recent Topics of Hereditary Colorectal Disease
Title Difficulties with HNPCC Diagnoses
Author Toshiaki Watanabe Department of Surgery, Teikyo University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Currently, HNPCC diagnoses are dependent on the minimal criteria proposed by the International Collaborative Group on HNPCC (ICG-HNPCC), known as the "Amsterdam criteria". However, previous studies have shown that there are many families who do not meet the strict Amsterdam criteria but in whom mutations in the mismatch repair genes can be identified. Therefore, criteria for performing genetic testing in families not fulfilling the Amsterdam criteria but where a genetic bias for colon cancer is strongly suspected, are required. For this purpose, Suspected HNPCC criteria (S-HNPCC criteria) has been proposed. It has been shown that S-HNPCC criteria are useful in selecting patients and their family members who do not fulfill the Amsterdam criteria but would benefit from genetic diagnosis. Another important issue is that stomach cancer is not included in HNPCC associated cancer in the Amsterdam criteria. However, it has been shown that the prevalence of stomach cancer is high among HNPCC patients in Asian populations. From this aspect, the Bethesda guidelines and S-HNPCC criteria are useful in producing diagnoses of HNPCC in Asian populations. This is especially so because stomach cancer is taken into account in these criteria. These limitations of criteria need to be fully recognized in clinical settings.