臨牀消化器内科 Vol.23 No.3(7)

特集名 胃癌スクリーニングの現況とハイリスクストラテジー
題名 胃癌のリスクファクター,ハイリスクグループ
発刊年月 2008年 03月
著者 菱田 朝陽 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科予防医学/医学推計・判断学
著者 浜島 信之 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科予防医学/医学推計・判断学
【 要旨 】 胃癌はHelicobacter pylori (H. pylori) 感染に関連して発生するものと関係なく発生するものとに大別される.わが国を含めて胃癌の頻度が高い地域においては,H. pylori関連胃癌がほとんどを占める.H. pylori関連胃癌では,H. pylori感染,胃粘膜萎縮,胃癌発生と段階を経て進行し,各段階で固有の環境要因と遺伝的体質があるように思われる.H. pylori感染が成立するためには感染が起きる衛生状況と胃酸分泌に関与する分子の遺伝子多型が,胃粘膜萎縮に移行するためには炎症に関与する生活習慣と遺伝子多型とH. pylori毒素に反応する分子の遺伝子多型が,発がんには発がん物質と発がんに関与する分子の遺伝子多型がリスクを規定すると想定される.
Theme Gastric Cancer Screening -- Present Status and Uprising High-risk Strategy
Title Gastric Cancer Risk Factors and High Risk Groups
Author Asahi Hishida Department of Preventive Medicine / Biostatistics and Medical Decision Making, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Nobuyuki Hamajima Department of Preventive Medicine / Biostatistics and Medical Decision Making, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Gastric cancer may be classified into two groups, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-related and unrelated. In regions, including Japan, where gastric cancer incidence is high, the great majority is of the former type. H. pylori-related gastric cancer progresses from infections, to gastric atrophy, and carcinogenesis. In each step, there seem to be specific environmental factors and genetic traits. Infection may be influenced by poor sanitary conditions and genetic polymorphisms associated with gastric acid secretion. Gastric atrophy may develop due to lifestyle on genotypes prone to inflammation, as well as polymorphisms responding to H. pylori pathogens. An association was found with a polymorphism of PTPN11 encoding SHP-2, which reacts with H. pylori CagA. Carcinogens and functional polymorphisms involved in carcinogenesis are thought to determine gastric cancer risk. Those with gastric atrophy are at high risk, to whom smoking cessation, high vegetable and fruit intakes, and lower dietary sodium intakes are recommended for reducing the risk.