臨牀消化器内科 Vol.23 No.2(4)

特集名 大腸癌のスクリーニング検査の現状
題名 PETによるスクリーニングの現状
発刊年月 2008年 02月
著者 寺内 隆司 国立がんセンターがん予防・検診研究センター検診部
【 要旨 】 FDG-PETを用いたがん検診は,大腸癌を含めた全身のがんを一度に検索できる安全で快適な検査としてわが国において普及しており,がん発見率も高い数字が報告されている.しかし,FDG-PETのがん検出には限界があり,PET単独での検診では見逃されるがんも多い.また,PETがん検診は,現時点では有効であるというエビデンスがない.したがって,PETがん検診は任意型検診という範疇に入り,多くの施設ではPET以外の検査を加えた総合がん検診の形態をとっている.大腸癌はPETがん検診においても大きな標的疾患であり,大腸がん検診としてのFDG-PETの有用性も報告されている.今後はエビデンス獲得がPETがん検診の重要な課題である.
Theme Current Status of Colorectal Cancer Screening
Title Current Status of PET Cancer Screening
Author Takashi Terauchi Screening Division, Research Center for Cancer Prevention and Screening, National Cancer Center
[ Summary ] FDG-PET cancer screening has become wide spread over the last decade in Japan because it can be used to detect a variety of malignant tumors including colorectal cancer, safely and easily. The detection rates for PET cancer screening have been reported to be much higher than other effective screening modalities. However, FDG-PET has some limitations and misses some kinds of malignant tumors. Moreover, the efficacy of PET cancer screening remains to be assessed. At this time, PET cancer screening is categorized as opportunistic screening. In most PET screening facilities, comprehensive screening courses have been adopted in order to minimize the limitations of FDG-PET. Colorecatal cancer is also one of the major targets of PET cancer screening. It has been reported in the recent publications that FDG-PET is a useful screening tool for the detection of colorectal cancer. The assessment of the validity of this statement is a significant and urgent issue concerning PET cancer screening.