臨牀消化器内科 Vol.23 No.2(1-2)

特集名 大腸癌のスクリーニング検査の現状
題名 検診のスクリーニング法としての便潜血検査 (2) 検診における1日2個法の現状と今後
発刊年月 2008年 02月
著者 宮崎 博実 鳥取県健康対策協議会
著者 古城 治彦 鳥取県健康対策協議会
著者 岡本 公男 鳥取県健康対策協議会
【 要旨 】 われわれは,平成15年度より全国に先駆けて,大腸がん検診の便潜血検査を同一便より2個採便する1日2個法を実施している.従来の2日法と1日2個法について比較検討した.その結果,1日2個法は2日法と比べ,(1) 癌発見率が高かった,(2) 早期癌割合が高かった,(3) 陽性反応的中度が高い傾向であった,(4) 2検体提出率が有意に高く,コンプライアンスが向上した,(5) 1日の採便ですむため,簡便で楽であり,検診受診者の増加が予想される.また,検体の保存の問題や日数経過による便付着ヘモグロビン残存率低下の問題が解消される.以上の結果から,1日2個法は大腸がん検診の精度向上をはかるうえで簡便で優れた方法であると考えられる.
Theme Current Status of Colorectal Cancer Screening
Title Fecal Occult Blood Testing for Screening Examination of Colon Cancer ; Present State and Future of New Methods for Occult Blood Examination Using Two Stools from the Same Day
Author Hiromi Miyazaki The Health Cure Committee of Tottori Prefecture
Author Haruhiko Kojou The Health Cure Committee of Tottori Prefecture
Author Kimio Okamoto The Health Cure Committee of Tottori Prefecture
[ Summary ] A new method of occult blood examination, using two stool samples from the same day, was introduced for the first time in Japan in Tottori Prefecture in 2003 and has been in use since then. The result of this new method was assessed in comparison to the previous one, in which two stools from different days were examined. The new method was superior to the previous one in the following aspects. First, the detection rate for colon cancer was higher. Secondly, the rate for early colon cancer was higher. Thirdly, the positive predictive values tended to be higher. Fourth, the rates of sample-registration were higher than with the previous method. The compliance of examinees improved as well. Fifth, the new method is expected to lead to an increase in the number of examinees, because it is simpler. The introduction of this new method will solve some troublesome matters such as preserving stool samples and preventing the decay of hemoglobin on the stool surface. Which takes place as time passes. Therefore, the new method for occult blood examination, using two stools from the same day, is simpler and much better than the previous one in terms of promoting the detection of colon cancer for colon cancer surveillances.