臨牀消化器内科 Vol.23 No.2(1-1)

特集名 大腸癌のスクリーニング検査の現状
題名 検診のスクリーニング法としての便潜血検査 (1) 便潜血検査を用いた大腸がん検診の現状と今後
発刊年月 2008年 02月
著者 西田 博 松下健康管理センター
【 要旨 】 がん検診では,早期発見が有効性の指標とはならず,死亡率を評価しなければならない.便潜血検査を用いた大腸がん検診は無作為化比較対照試験を含めた多くの研究で死亡率減少効果が確認されている.同検査では化学法と免疫法が存在するが,後者のほうが精度がよいと考えられる.大腸癌の前臨床期は比較的長く,その間に繰り返し検査を実施できるため検診のプログラム感度も良好となる.低い精検受診率が問題となっているが,要精検率と精検受診率に負の関係が示唆されており,適切な要精検率を維持するため精度管理が重要となる.これには便潜血検査から治療までを検診システムとして捉え,検診情報が円滑に利用できる環境を構築する必要がある.
Theme Current Status of Colorectal Cancer Screening
Title Colon Cancer Screening Using Fecal Occult Blood Test and Strategy for Mortality Reduction
Author Hiroshi Nishida Matsushita Health Care Center
[ Summary ] Mortality reduction is the only indicator for the effectiveness of mass screening. Randomized controlled trial (RCT) is considered the ideal method to evaluate mortality rates in mass screenings. The effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening, using fecal occult blood test (FOBT) was evaluated in three RCTs and case-control studies. Immunochemical FOBT exhibits better accuracy compared to chemical tests. Since colorectal cancer has long preclinical intervals, repeated screenings may increase the program sensitivity.
Compliance with diagnostic examinations after a FOBT is an important factor to sustain the effectiveness of screening, although in Japan the mean compliance rate is less than 60 percent. Research concerning related factors and measures to improve the status of testing should be carried out. Moreover, accuracy control in mass screenings should be implemented because FOBT positive rates and compliance with diagnostic examinations exhibit a negative relationship. An optimal positive rate of FOBT should be also considered. To achieve these objectives, an information network connecting primary screening providers, caretakers, and hospitals, where diagnostic examinations and therapeutic procedures are performed, is essential. Colon cancer screening systems involve all procedures from FOBT to therapies for colorectal cancer as well as search for false negative cases. Through these processes, the effectiveness of screening may be assessed.