臨牀消化器内科 Vol.23 No.13(1-2)

特集名 急性肝不全と再生医療
題名 劇症肝炎の現状 (2) 劇症肝炎の診断
発刊年月 2008年 12月
著者 持田 智 埼玉医科大学消化器内科・肝臓内科
【 要旨 】 劇症肝炎は「初発症状出現から8週以内にプロトロンビン時間が40%以下に低下し,昏睡II度以上の肝性脳症を呈する肝炎」であり,脳症出現までの期間が10日以内の急性型と11日以降の亜急性型に分類される.劇症肝炎の前駆病変には急性肝炎重症型が,類縁疾患には遅発性肝不全(LOHF)があるが,これら病型によって予後が異なるため,その正確な診断が重要である.また,劇症肝炎の診断ではウイルス性,自己免疫性,薬物性などの成因診断も重要であり,成因によって予後に差異がある.肝予備能の評価も重要であり,肝移植の適応を決定する際には日本急性肝不全研究会のガイドライン(1996年)や厚生労働省研究班が新たに作成した指針(2008年)を利用する.
Theme Acute Liver Failure and Regenerative Medicine of the Liver
Title Diagnosis of Fulminant Hepatitis
Author Satoshi Mochida Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Saitama Medical University
[ Summary ] In Japan, patients with hepatitis are diagnosed as having fulminant hepatitis when grade II or greater severe hepatic encephalopathy develops within eight weeks of the onset of disease symptoms. These include a prothrombin times of under 40% of the standardized value. Patients with fulminant hepatitis are classified into tow types; those who exhibit the acute and sub acute types, in which encephalopathy occurs the first 10 days and those in whom it occurs 11 days or later after onset of disease symptoms. Also, in this category are patients exhibiting prothrombin times ofless than 40% of the standardized values, with hepatic encephalopathy developing between 8 and 24 weeks of disease onset. These patients are diagnosed as having late onset hepatic failure. Those with out encephalopathy are diagnosed as having acute severe type hepatitis. The diagnosis of these disease types is crucial, since there exist marked differences in the prognoses for patients dependant on the type. The prognosis also differs markedly depending on the etiology of liver diseases such as viral infection, autoimmune hepatitis or drug-induced allergies. The indications for liver transplantationin cases of fulminant hepatitis patients are currently determined according to the guidelines published by the Acute Liver Failure Study Group of Japan in 1996 and/or that of the Intractable Liver Diseases Study Group of Japan in 2008.