臨牀消化器内科 Vol.23 No.1(4)

特集名 EMR vs. ESD
題名 早期胃癌に対するEMRとESDの選択
発刊年月 2008年 01月
著者 布袋屋 修 虎の門病院消化器科
著者 矢作 直久 虎の門病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 遺残・再発のない治療戦略を検討するため,内視鏡的粘膜切除術 (EMR) と内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術 (ESD) の成績を比較した.ESDの治療成績は,EMRに比べ圧倒的に優れ,かつ,偶発症率は同等で,安全性は遜色ないものであった.理論的には,全例ESDを選択しても妥当であるが,コストやマンパワーの面からはEMRとのすみ分けが必要である.遺残・再発をきたさないためには少なくとも局所一括完全切除が必要であり,そのためには病変に応じた治療法の選択が必要である.今回の検討では,5 mm以下の病変ではEMRでも高い成績が得られるが,5 mmを超える病変はESDを選択し,一括切除に基づいた正確な病理組織学的診断による根治性の判断がなされるべきである.
Theme Therapeutic Strategy for Early Gastrointestinal Cancers with EMR or ESD
Title Therapeutic Strategy for Early Gastric Cancers Treatment with EMR or ESD
Author Shu Hoteya Department of Gastroenterology, Toranomon Hospital
Author Naohisa Yahagi Department of Gastroenterology, Toranomon Hospital
[ Summary ] To clarify the proper therapeutic strategy for early gastric cancer without vestigial remnants and recurrence, the outcomes of EMR and ESD procedures were evaluated. The treatment outcomes of ESD were overwhelmingly better than EMR. The safety of ESD was egual to EMR. EMR must chosen in relation to cost and man power. However, it would theoretically be appropriate even if all cases are selected to ESD. Complete en-bloc resection is necessary to avoid vestigial remnants or recurrence. Judgments concerning curability must be made through accurate histological diagnosis, based on perfect specimens. Therefore, treatment modalities must be considered, when we conduct endoscopic resection, according to the situation of the lesions.
In this study it was concluded that lesions larger than 5 mm should be treated with ESD, although high resection rates were also obtained with EMR in cases where lesions were 5 mm in size or less.