臨牀消化器内科 Vol.22 No.9(4)

特集名 細菌と消化器疾患 -- 病因,病態とその制御に向けて
題名 感染性腸炎
発刊年月 2007年 08月
著者 平田 一郎 藤田保健衛生大学消化管内科
【 要旨 】 細菌性腸炎の病態,症候,診断,治療に関する総論的事項を概説した.また,各種細菌性腸炎のなかから病原性大腸菌腸炎 (O 157など),サルモネラ腸炎,エルシニア腸炎,キャンピロバクター腸炎,偽膜性腸炎,腸結核を取り上げ,これら疾患の病態,症候,診断,治療について各論的に述べた.
病原性大腸菌腸炎,サルモネラ腸炎,エルシニア腸炎,キャンピロバクター腸炎などは急性の経過をとる急性腸炎であるが,日常診療にて比較的よく遭遇する点で重要である.これら急性腸炎は発症後2 - 3週間もすれば病状が自然消退するので,欧米ではacute self-limited colitisと呼ばれている.また,偽膜性腸炎は高齢者や重篤基礎疾患患者にみられるという点で重要である.腸結核は慢性の経過をたどる慢性腸炎で,再興感染症として近年重要視されている.
Theme Digestive Diseases Related to Bacteria -- To Understand Etiology and Control of Clinicopathological Conditions
Title Infectious Enterocolitis
Author Ichiro Hirata Department of Gastroenterology, Fujita Health University, School of Medicine
[ Summary ] An outline of general factors concerning the pathogenesis, syndrome, diagnosis, and treatment of bacterial enterocolitis is given. In addition, entero-pathogenic Escherichia coli enterocolitis (especially O-157 enterocolitis), Salmonellosis, Yersinia enterocolitis, Campylobacter enterocolitis, pseudomembranous colitis, intestinal tuberculosis are taken up among various bacterial enterocolitis and the itemized matters of the pathogenesis, syndrome, diagnosis and treatment of these disease are discussed.
Entero-pathogenic Escherichia coli enterocolitis, Salmonellosis, Yersinia enterocolitis and Campylobacter enterocolitis are acute enteritis to take acute course as, but are important on the point to comparatively well encounter in daily medical care. Because cessation of these conditions two or three weeks after onset, these acute enterocolitis are termed acute self-limited colitis in Europe and America. In addition, pseudomembranous colitis is important at a point to be seen to an elderly patients and a grave disease patient. Intestinal tuberculosis is chronic enterocolitis to follow chronic course. In late years intestinal tuberculosis is regarded as an important as a revival infectious disease.