臨牀消化器内科 Vol.22 No.6(1-2)

特集名 胆膵疾患に対する診断,内視鏡的治療法の進歩
題名 診断 (2) MDCT
発刊年月 2007年 06月
著者 市川 珠紀 東海大学医学部基盤診療学系画像診断学
著者 山下 智裕 東海大学医学部基盤診療学系画像診断学
著者 小泉 淳 東海大学医学部基盤診療学系画像診断学
著者 今井 裕 東海大学医学部基盤診療学系画像診断学
【 要旨 】 multi-detector row CTでは時間・空間分解能は向上し,最小collimationは0.5 mmであり,2 cm以下の小膵癌も検出できる.ボリュームデータが得られるため,高画質のCT angiographyが得られ,術前mapping用の血管造影を省略することができる.膵管の走行に沿ったcurved MPRは膵癌と膵臓全体を1画面に観察でき,総胆管癌や膵癌の総胆管,門脈への浸潤は総胆管や門脈の走行に沿ったcurved MPRが診断に有用である.しかし,微小な膵癌や総胆管癌の検出や神経叢浸潤の評価はthin sliceの横断像の観察は基本である.
Theme Advances in Diagnosis and Endoscopic Treatment for Pancreatic and Biliary Lesion
Title MDCT for Pancreatic and Biliary Tract Disease
Author Tamaki Ichikawa Department of Radiology, Tokai University School of Medicine
Author Tomohiro Yamashita Department of Radiology, Tokai University School of Medicine
Author Jun Koizumi Department of Radiology, Tokai University School of Medicine
Author Yutaka Imai Department of Radiology, Tokai University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Multi-detector row CT (MDCT) technology has developed rapidly over the past few years. A major merit of MDCT is its high acquisition speed which can be used to cover large volumes with thin collimation, resulting in good spatial resolution and a reduction of partial volume effect artifacts. The thinness of the reconstructed axial CT slices has allowed an increase in the image quality of abdominal CT to depict minute pancreatic and biliary tract tumors more accurately. High-resolution dynamic studies and three-dimensional MDCT, reconstruction techniques, such as CT angiography and curved MPR are appropriate for the diagnosis and staging of malignant tumors. This article presents the clinical and radiological features of several representative malignant pancreatic and biliary tract diseases.