臨牀消化器内科 Vol.22 No.4(1-3)

特集名 肝炎のインターフェロン治療 -- 総まとめ up to date
題名 C型肝炎のインターフェロン治療 (3) ペグ・インターフェロン単独浩療はどのような症例で行うのか
発刊年月 2007年 04月
著者 泉 並木 武蔵野赤十字病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 ペグ・インターフェロン (PEG-IFN) α2aは,従来のIFNよりも作用時間が長いため効果が高く自覚症状の副作用の軽減がはかれた.ゲノタイプ1bかつ低HCV RNA量例とゲノタイプ2a・2b型の症例ではPEG-IFNα2a単独で高いSVR (sustained virological response) が得られ,とくに6週間目までの早期にHCV RNA陰性化が得られた例では24週間以内の短期治療でSVRが得られた.ゲノタイプ1b型・高HCV RNA量例での単独でのSVR率は10 %前後であるが,PEG-IFNα2a単独の少量維持投与によって血清ALTの沈静化が得られるだけでなくAFP値の維持効果がみられ,肝硬変への進展や肝発癌抑止効果が期待される.一方,間質性肺炎や脳出血,血小板低下の有害事象に注意すべきである,
Theme Interferon Therapy for Viral Hepatitis : an Update Reference
Title Pegylated Interferon Monotherapy for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C, Efficacy and Adverse Events
Author Namiki Izumi Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Musashino Red-Cross Hospitals
[ Summary ] Pegylated intefferon (PEG-IFN) has the advantage that its plasma half-life is prolonged, which induces high anti-viral activity and low rates of symptomatic adverse events. PEG-IFN alpha 2 a monotherapy has been performed on Japanese chronic hepatitis C patients since December, 2003. There were high sustained virological responses in genotype 2 a and 2 b infected patients, HCV RNA rates were negative at 6 weeks after starting administration of PEG-IFN. SVR rates were over 80% in spite of 24 week treatments. In genotype 1 b infections, however, it is possible to achieve SVR in patients with high viral loads at a rate of only 10 %, which is less frequent compared to the SVR for genotype 2 a and 2 b infections. In spite of achieving low SVR rates, PEG-IFN monotherapy is effective in preventing progression to cirrhosis or development of hepatocellular carcinoma, because serum ALT may be kept within twice the upper limit and serum alfa-fetoproteins may be reduced. Interstitial peumonitis and thrombocytopenia are frequently observed during administration of PEG-IFN, thus close follow up is necessary during administration.