臨牀消化器内科 Vol.22 No.3(1)

特集名 小腸内視鏡のupdate
題名 小腸内視鏡時代の幕開け
発刊年月 2007年 03月
著者 藤山 佳秀 滋賀医科大学消化器・血液内科
著者 斉藤 康晴 滋賀医科大学光学医療診療部
【 要旨 】 消化管内視鏡検査のなかで,小腸内視鏡検査はもっとも立ち遅れている.それは,内視鏡手技の困難さと小腸疾患頻度が少ないことが原因である.1970年より,数多くの内視鏡機器が改良を重ね,検査手技が考案されてきた.後者はロープウエイ式,ゾンデ式,プッシュ式に大別され,その手技に見合った数々の内視鏡が開発された.しかし,それらはいずれも完壁な小腸内視鏡検査とはなりえず,1種類の内視鏡で全小腸を観察し,生検や止血操作などの処置機能を有し,被検者に大きな侵襲を与えない機種の開発は困難を極めた.
Theme Update of Endoscopy for Small Intestine
Title Opening of the Small Intestine Endoscope Age
Author Yoshihide Fujiyama Department of Gastroenterology and Hematology, Shiga University of Medical Science
Author Yasuharu Saito Department of Endoscopy, Shiga University of Medical Science
[ Summary ] Of all the types of gastrointestinal endoscopy, endoscopy for the small intestine is the least developed. The cause of this lack of development is generally attributed to difficulties with endoscopic techniques and the infrequency of small intestinal disease. Endoscopic equipment has seen many improvements since 1970, and new techniques have also been developed. The techniques are divided into three types ; the ropeway type, the zonde type, and the push type, many endoscopes have been developed for use with particular techniques. Although small intestinal endoscopic devices may not be perfect for endoscopists, it was difficult to develop a new model for endoscopy that we can be used to perform biopsies in the intestines, as well as treating bleeding lesions without producing the pain before the implementation of capsule endoscopy and double balloon endoscopy for small intestinal examination and treatment.