臨牀消化器内科 Vol.22 No.2(2-8)

特集名 消化器がんの疼痛管理
題名 [臨床](8) がん性疼痛に対する放射線療法
発刊年月 2007年 02月
著者 廣川 裕 広島平和クリニック
【 要旨 】 放射線治療は,悪性腫瘍に対する局所療法としての有効性が高いわりに全身的な侵襲が少なく,転移癌や再発癌の治療において重要な役割を担っている.放射線治療を受けた有痛性骨転移患者の80 - 90 %で良好な疼痛緩和が得られ,約50 %の症例では完全な除痛が得られる.直腸癌の局所再発やほかの消化器癌のリンパ節転移においても,ある程度長い余命が期待される場合には,放射線治療の症状緩和における適応と有効性をよく理解して,積極的に緩和的放射線治療を考慮すべきである.放射線治療に際しては,経験のある放射線治療医の意見を参考に,患者の全身状態やほかの遠隔転移の状況,予測される余命などを考慮して,有効で負担の少ない治療計画が必要である.
Theme Pain Management in Gastrointestinal Cancer
Title Palliative Radiation Therapy for Cancer Pain
Author Yutaka Hirokawa Department of Radiology, Hiroshima Heiwa Clinic
[ Summary ] Radiotherapy is one of the most effective, and often the only, therapeutic option to relieve painful bone metastases and other kinds of pain caused by nerve compression or infiltration by malignant tumors. With the advent of effective systemic therapies and improvements in supportive care, cancer patients are expected to live longer and may suffer with metastatic disease for a considerable length of time. Bone metastases are a common manifestation of distant relapse from many types of malignant tumors. Many patients with bone metastases suffer from compromised mobility and performance status. Therefore, the purpose of palliative care for bone metastasis should be to relieve pain and improve performance status.
Radiotherapy plays an important role in improving local fragility in the skeletal system. In cases of local nerve compression or infiltration by locally advanced or recurrent tumors, radiotherapy is also an effective treatment not only to relief pain but also to prevent local tumor progression. Physicians who take care of palliative care patients should keep the effectiveness of radiotherapy in mind and refer patients to radiation oncologists.