臨牀消化器内科 Vol.22 No.2(2-4)

特集名 消化器がんの疼痛管理
題名 [臨床](4) オビオイドによるがん性疼痛管理 -- モルヒネ製剤
発刊年月 2007年 02月
著者 有田 英子 JR東京総合病院麻酔科・痛みセンター
著者 目野 亜希 JR東京総合病院麻酔科・痛みセンター
著者 長瀬 真幸 JR東京総合病院麻酔科・痛みセンター
著者 花岡 一雄 JR東京総合病院麻酔科・痛みセンター
【 要旨 】 がん性疼痛管理において,モルヒネは強オピオイオドのなかでもいまだに第一選択薬である.剤型が豊富で,内服薬,坐薬,注射薬がある.内服薬は速効性製剤と徐放性製剤が入手可能である.速効性製剤には,錠,末,水があり,モルヒネ導入時やレスキューとして使用される.徐放性製剤は1日1 - 2回投与であり,維持量投与に使用される.注射薬は持続皮下投与,持続静脈内注入などに使用される.モルヒネの副作用には,主として便秘,嘔気・嘔吐,眠気がある.便秘には緩下薬を,嘔気・嘔吐には制吐薬を予防的に使用する.眠気は3 - 4日で消失する.2種類の活性代謝産物があるので,腎機能低下症例では投与量を減少するなどの注意を要する.
Theme Pain Management in Gastrointestinal Cancer
Title Morphine in Management of Cancer Pain
Author Hideko Arita Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Relief Center, JR Tokyo General Hospital
Author Aki Meno Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Relief Center, JR Tokyo General Hospital
Author Masayuki Nagase Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Relief Center, JR Tokyo General Hospital
Author Kazuo Hanaoka Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Relief Center, JR Tokyo General Hospital
[ Summary ] Of the three types of strong opioids available in Japan for cancer pain : oxycodone, fentanyl, and morphine, the latter is still the most important and useful. There are numerous kinds of morphine formulas; tablets, aqueous solutions, powders, capsules, sticks, fine grains, suppositories, and liquids for intravenous or subcutaneous infusion. Immediate release morphine and controlled release morphine are available for oral administration. Immediate release morphine, administered five times a day, is used when a strong opioid needs to be introduced early on in the course, or as a rescue treatment during an intense pain attack. Controlled release morphine is used for continuous administration. Some types are administered twice or three times daily and others are given once or twice a day. It is important to remain alert to the risk of adverse effects, including constipation, nausea / vomiting, and sedation. Since no tolerance is established for constipation, it is managed with the use of motility stimulants and stool softeners. Nausea and vomiting are triggered by several different mechanisms that can be countered by phenothiazines, metoclopramide and haloperidol. Tolerance to sedation usually develops within a few days. Since two metabolites of morphine have adverse effects, it should be used carefully in patients with reduced renal functions.