臨牀消化器内科 Vol.22 No.10(2)

特集名 消化器臨床医のための病理学 -- 特殊染色を含めて
題名 Barrett食道・Barrett食道腺癌の病理診断
発刊年月 2007年 09月
著者 河内 洋 東京医科歯科大学医学部附属病院病理部
著者 河野 辰幸 東京医科歯科大学医学部附属病院食道・胃外科
【 要旨 】 今までに報告されている知見に基づき,Barrett食道の病理学的事項を示した.Barrett食道における円柱上皮は,(1) 胃体部腺粘膜類似の上皮 (胃体部腺型上皮),(2) 胃噴門腺粘膜ないし偽幽門腺粘膜類似の上皮 (移行型上皮),(3) 腸上皮化生粘膜類似の上皮 (特殊円柱上皮) の3種類に分類されている.また上皮以外の組織学的特徴として,(1) 円柱上皮粘膜領域内の食道固有腺,(2) 円柱上皮内の扁平上皮島,(3) 粘膜筋板の二重構造が診断に有用である.Barrett食道腺癌の診断には,癌がBarrett食道内に存在していることを確認することが重要で,内視鏡やX線の所見,また切除材料では肉眼的拡がりの評価が重要である.
Theme Guidebook of Pathology for Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists ; Including Special Stains and Immunohistochemistry
Title Histopathological Diagnosis of Barrett's Esophagus and Barrett's Adenocarcinoma
Author Hiroshi Kawachi Department of Pathology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School
Author Tatsuyuki Kawano Department of Esophagogastric Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School
[ Summary ] Columnar epithelia in Barrett's esophagus are classified into three types : (1) fundic gland mucosa-type (gastric corpus mucosa-type) epithelia ; (2) cardiac gland mucosa-type (pseudo pyloric gland mucosa-type, transitional type) ; (3) intestinal metaplasia-type (specialized columnar epithelia). Furthermore, the histological characters other than epithelia in Barrett's esophagus are (1) proper esophageal glands under the columnar epithelium, (2) squamous islands in the columnar epithelial area, (3) double layer structures of muscularis mucosa. For the histopathological diagnosis of Barrett's adenocarcinoma, it is necessary to confirm that cancer lesions are surrounded by Barrett's epithelia. However, it is sometimes difficult to find conclusive evidence of Barrett's adenocarcinoma, especially when biopsy or mucosectomy specimens were examined. Therefore, it is also important to evaluate not only by the histological findings but by the endoscpopical and radiological findings.