臨牀消化器内科 Vol.22 No.1(6-5)

特集名 Barrett食道
題名 Barrett食道およびBarrett食道癌の内視鏡診断 (5) 超音波内視鏡診断
発刊年月 2007年 01月
著者 有馬 美和子 埼玉県立がんセンター消化器内科
著者 多田 正弘 埼玉県立がんセンター消化器内科
【 要旨 】 Barrett食道癌の深達度,進展度診断におけるEUSの診断能について検討した.高周波数細径超音波プローブでは,Barrett食道は線維化の影響で層構造の分離が不明瞭で,m,sm層が比較的高エコーに肥厚して描出されることが多かった.sm層が,食道腺や脈管が線維化と混在して不均一となっていることが多いため,表在型Barrett腺癌の深達度診断は難しかった.リニア型EUSは消化管壁の長軸方向の断層像が描出されるため,層構造の変化から食道胃粘膜接合部 (EGJ) を認識でき,EUS上のhiatusとの位置関係を把握できる.腺上皮レベルにとどまるm癌の描出には限界があるが,sm以深癌の深達度診断の成績は良好であった.
Theme Barrett's Esophagus
Title Endoscopic Ultrasonography in Diagnosis of Barrett's Esophagus and Barrett's Esophageal Cancer
Author Miwako Arima Department of Gastroenterology, Saitama Cancer Center
Author Masahiro Tada Department of Gastroenterology, Saitama Cancer Center
[ Summary ] We undertook this study to determine whether EUS is useful in the diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus and the depth of invasion of Barrett's esophageal cancer. Observation of Barrett's esophagus with a miniature ultrasound probe revealed a poorly demarcated wall structure due to fibrosis with diffuse, relatively hyper echoic wall thickening. Barrett's adenocarcinoma typically displays a hypo echoic heterogeneous pattern. The underlying submucosa is usually heterogeneous due to fibrosis and the intermingling of esophageal glands and vessels, resulting in a poorly demarcated border. The depth of invasion is therefore difficult to evaluate. Linear type EUS can produce transverse images of the gastrointestinal wall acquired in long axis views and thereby identify the location of the esophagogastric junction on the basis of changes in wall structure and assess its position with respect to the esophageal hiatus on acquired images. EUS is of limited value for the assessment of mucosal cancers remaining within the glandular epithelium, but could accurately be used to estimate the depth of invasion of sm or deeper cancers.