臨牀消化器内科 Vol.21 No.9(2-2)

特集名 内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術 (ESD) のトレーニングとリスクマネージメント
題名 ESD習得のためのトレーニング (2) トレーニングとラーニングカーブ
発刊年月 2006年 08月
著者 梅垣 英次 大阪医科大学第二内科
著者 竹内 望 大阪医科大学第二内科
著者 時岡 聡 大阪医科大学第二内科
著者 小澤 峰一 大阪医科大学第二内科
著者 竹内 利寿 大阪医科大学第二内科
著者 白石 奈々子 大阪医科大学第二内科
【 要旨 】 内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術 (ESD) による粘膜切除術 (EMR) は,大きな病変でも正常組織を含めてen blocに切除することが可能となり,症例を選べば根治的な治療手段になりうる.しかし手技の難易度が高く,手技の習得・熟練には時間を要するなど問題点も多々ある.偶発症の少ない安全なESDを行うためには,ESD導入前の事前学習やESD手技のトレーニングが不可欠である.
Theme Training System and Risk Management for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD)
Title Training System for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Techniques
Author Eiji Umegaki Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
Author Nozomi Takeuchi Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
Author Satoshi Tokioka Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
Author Minekazu Ozawa Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
Author Toshihisa Takeuchi Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
Author Nanako Shiraishi Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
[ Summary ] Although the strip biopsy method is a popular endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) technique because of its convenience and reliability, it has limitations in terms of resectable tumor size. Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) techniques using a diathermic needle knife or an insulated-tip diathermic knife, have been introduced to overcome this disadvantage. However, there are high risks of bleeding and perforation with ESD. In addition, endoscopic techniques for performing ESD are quite difficult to master.
In our hospital, trainees receive mandatory ESD training in an informal setting (observation of actual procedures by observation of videotapes, and animal models) as well as in formal settings (live demonstrations and hands on seminars). The step up training system is useful for safe and reliable ESD instruction. Endoscopists who seek to perform ESD should avail themselves of training and education in both formal and informal settings. In conclusion, ESD is promising as a safe and reliable technique for the treatment of early gastric cancer.