臨牀消化器内科 Vol.21 No.6(11)

特集名 消化器癌の予防医学
題名 膵臓癌のリスクファクターと早期診断
発刊年月 2006年 06月
著者 内田 英二 日本医科大学外科
著者 相本 隆幸 日本医科大学外科
著者 中村 慶春 日本医科大学外科
著者 勝野 暁 日本医科大学外科
著者 田尻 孝 日本医科大学外科
【 要旨 】 膵臓癌は予後不良で,早期治療のみが有効である.早期発見のためには,リスクファクターに基づく高危険群に対する積極的なアプローチが必要である.膵臓癌患者のプロフィールからみたリスクファクターとしては,中高年,喫煙,多量の飲酒,コレステロールの大量摂取,肥満などが挙げられているが,喫煙以外は異論も多い.膵臓癌に関連する疾患としては,現在までに糖尿病,慢性膵炎,膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍,遺伝性膵炎ほかの遺伝的疾患などが報告されている.有症状患者はもとより,無症状の高危険群に対し,膵臓癌を疑う積極的なスクリーニングを行うことが現時点での有用な方法であろう.今後,無症状症例に対する分子生物学的手法などの新しい診断方法の開発が待たれる.
Theme Preventive Medicine of Gastrointestinal Cancer
Title Risk Factors for and Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer
Author Eiji Uchida Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School
Author Takayuki Aimoto Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School
Author Yoshiharu Nakamura Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School
Author Akira Katsuno Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School
Author Takashi Tajiri Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School
[ Summary ] Pancreatic cancer is a very serious disease with poor prognoses. New strategies for its diagnosis and treatment are required. Although pancreatic cancer has poor survival rates, this disease, when detected in the early stages, can be cured. For early diagnosis, risk factors for pancreatic cancer should be studied.
Known risk factors for pancreatic cancer are age, smoking, family history, high alcohol consumption, food with high cholesterol and low vegetable in take, as well as obesity. Diseases associated with pancreatic cancers are diabetes mellitus, chronic pancreatitis, intraductal mucinous cystic tumors and some hereditary diseases.
Patients with the risk factors mentioned above should be routinely checked with CT and US, especially when they have symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer, such as abdomino-back pain, jaundice, weight loss, or deterioration associated with diabetes mellitus.
In the near future, early stage pancreatic cancer will hopefully be diagnosed in patients not displaying obvious symptoms by employment of new modalities, such as molecular diagnosis.