臨牀消化器内科 Vol.21 No.5(4-3)

特集名 E型肝炎 -- 最新の知見
題名 人獣共通感染症としてのE型肝炎 (3) シカ生肉摂取によるE型肝炎ウイルス感染のリスク
発刊年月 2006年 05月
著者 北嶋 直人 市立加西病院内科
著者 丁 秀鎮 島根大学医学部消化器肝臓病内科
著者 木下 芳一 島根大学医学部消化器肝臓病内科
著者 高橋 和明 東芝病院研究部
著者 安倍 夏生 東芝病院研究部
著者 三代 俊治 東芝病院研究部
【 要旨 】 E型肝炎ウイルス (HEV) の感染連鎖に動物が関与 (zoonosis) している可能性が,多くの間接的証拠から指摘されてきた.われわれは,シカの生肉摂取により発生したと考えられるE型急性肝炎集団発生例を経験した.患者血清のみならず原因と推定されたシカ肉からもHEV RNAが検出でき,genotypeはいずれも3型で塩基配列はほぼ100%一致しており,HEV感染におけるzoonotic transmissionが初めて直接証明できた.地域住民調査においては,シカ肉摂取群では45例中8例 (17.8%) がIgG-HEV抗体陽性であり,非摂取群45例中1例 (2.2%)に比べ有意に抗体陽性率が高く,シカの生肉摂取がHEVの主要な感染源であることが判明した.野生のシカにおける調査では,179頭中1頭 (0.6%) の肝臓からHEV RNAを検出したのみであった.
Theme Update on Hepatitis E
Title Consumption of Uncooked Deer Meat as Risk Factor for Hepatitis E Virus Infection
Author Naoto Kitajima Department of Internal Medicine, Kasai City Hospital
Author Shuchin Tei Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Shimane University School of Medicine
Author Yoshikazu Kinoshita Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Shimane University School of Medicine
Author Kazuaki Takahashi Department of Medical Sciences, Toshiba General Hospital
Author Natsumi Abe Department of Medical Sciences, Toshiba General Hospital
Author Shunji Mishiro Department of Medical Sciences, Toshiba General Hospital
[ Summary ] Zoonosis has been suggested as a causative factor for hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection. However, this assumption is based only on indirect evidence. We recently experienced a series of hepatitis E cases that occurred in those who had eaten uncooked deer meat 6 - 7 weeks before. A leftover portion of the deer meat tested positive for HEV RNA, the nucleotide sequence of which was identical to those from the patients. We attempted to clarify whether eating uncooked deer meat is a major epidemiological risk factor for HEV infection. Forty five volunteer subjects who had eaten raw deer meat were enrolled in our study. An equivalent number of people from the same area who had never eaten raw deer meat served as control subjects. Eight (17.8 %) of the subjects but only one (2.2 %) of the controls had measurable serum anti-HEV IgG levels (p = 0.014). Finally, we undertook a survey to see if wild deer might be an HEV reservoir. Of 179 deers, only one liver (0.6 %) was positive for HEV RNA. These findings provide the first direct evidence for HEV infection being related to zoonosis, and suggest that HEV is rarely positive in wild deer in this region. However, eating uncooked deer meat is an epidemiological risk factor for HEV infection in the area studied.