臨牀消化器内科 Vol.21 No.5(3-3)

特集名 E型肝炎 -- 最新の知見
題名 E型肝炎ウイルスの基礎 (3) E型肝炎ウイルス感染の血清学的診断
発刊年月 2006年 05月
著者 岡本 宏明 自治医科大学医学部感染・免疫学講座ウイルス学部門
【 要旨 】 E型肝炎を診断するうえでのgold standardは,RT-PCR法によるE型肝炎ウイルス (HEV) RNAの検出である.しかし,簡便かつ安価なELISA法によるHEV抗体の測定は,臨床現場での急性肝炎の敏速な原因特定に有用である.それには一般にIgMクラス抗体が測定されるが,非特異反応による擬陽性が問題となる.筆者らは,カイコ蛹で発現した組み換えHEV蛋白質を固相化したELISA法により,IgMクラスHEV抗体とIgAクラスHEV抗体を測定する系を開発し,その性能を比較検討した.その結果,IgAクラスHEV抗体測定系は感度および特異性においてIgMクラスHEV抗体測定系よりも優れていることがわかった.
Theme Update on Hepatitis E
Title Serological Diagnosis of Hepatitis E Virus Infection
Author Hiroaki Okamoto Division of Virology, Department of Infection and Immunity, Jichi Medical University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Detection of the hepatitis E virus (HEV) RNA by reverse transcnption (RT)-PCR is the gold standard for diagnosis of hepatitis E. However, from a clinical point of view, serological diagnosis of hepatitis E by detection of specific antibodies against HEV (anti-HEV) is cheaper and more time-saving. We developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system to detect IgM and IgA classes of anti-HEV using purified recombinant ORF 2 proteins expressed in the pupae of silkworms as an antigen probe, and evaluated the specificity and sensitivity of these two assays. Among the 162 patients with hepatitis E, 158 (97.5 %) had anti-HEV IgM, while 160 (98.8 %) had anti-HEV IgA. Among the 3,782 control subjects, 17 (0.45 %) had anti-HEV IgM alone and 4 (0.11 %) had anti-HEV IgA alone. Periodic serum samples obtained from 15 patients with hepatitis E were tested for HEV RNA, anti-HEV IgM, and anti-HEV IgA. Although HEV RNA was detectable in the serum until 7 to 40 (21.4 ± 9.7) days after disease onset, both IgM and IgA anti-HEV antibodies were detectable until 37, 55, or 62 days after disease onset in 3 patients and up through the end of the observation period (50 to 144 days) in 12 patients. Obtained results indicate that anti-REV IgA is useful for serological diagnosis of hepatitis E with increased sensitivity and specificity and has a comparable duration of positivity with that of anti-HEV IgM.