臨牀消化器内科 Vol.21 No.3(1-2)

特集名 消化器がんに対する放射線治療
題名 総論 (2) 粒子線治療
発刊年月 2006年 03月
著者 荻野 尚 国立がんセンター東病院陽子線治療部
【 要旨 】 粒子線はブラッグピークによる優れた線量集中性をもつ放射線である.そのうち陽子線は従来のガンマ線やX線と生物学的に等価であるため使いやすく,炭素線は生物学的効果が高いので,いわゆる放射線抵抗性癌への効果が期待できる.粒子線はすでに約半世紀の歴史をもつ治療であり,40,000例以上の治療実績がある.また,1990年のロマリンダ大学メディカルセンター以降,とくに近年,病院設置型の治療施設が次々と建設され,粒子線治療は実用化の時代に突入した.眼の悪性黒色腫,頭蓋底腫瘍,頭頸部癌,肺癌,食道癌,肝細胞癌,前立腺癌などで優れた治療成績が出されており,臨床面・技術面ともに今後の発展が期待される治療である.
Theme Radiotherapy for Cancers of Digestive Organs
Title Particle Beam Therapy
Author Takashi Ogino Division of Radiation Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East
[ Summary ] Particle beam therapy (PBT) makes it possible to deliver a higher concentration of radiation to tumors by utilizing Bragg peak. Proton beams are easy to utilize due to their identical biological characteristics with X-rays. Carbon-ion beams are expected to be effective for radio resistant tumors, due to their highly effective biological characteristics. PBT has a half century history, and more than 40,000 patients have been reported as having received treatments with particle beams worldwide. A historic change in this therapy occurred in the 1990s, when the Loma Linda University Medical Center began utilizing clinical procedures to become the first hospital in the world to utilize a medically dedicated proton therapy facility. Since then, similar hospital based medically dedicated facilities have been constructed. Results from around the world have shown the therapeutic superiority of PBT over alternative treatment options for ocular melanoma, skull base sarcoma, head and neck cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, and prostate cancer. PBT is expected to be further advanced both clinically and technologically.