臨牀消化器内科 Vol.21 No.12(5)

特集名 非B非C型肝炎
題名 非B非C型肝硬変 (cryptogenic cirrhosis) の病理学
発刊年月 2006年 11月
著者 佐々木 素子 金沢大学大学院医学系研究科形態機能病理学講座
著者 中沼 安二 金沢大学大学院医学系研究科形態機能病理学講座
【 要旨 】 非B非C型肝硬変 (cryptogenic cirrhosis) は,肝炎ウイルス感染などの明白な原因を特定できない肝硬変であり,臨床的・病理組織学的検索による他疾患除外によって診断される.最近,cryptogenic cirrhosisの主因は非アルコール性脂肪性肝炎 (NASH) と推測されている.cryptogenic cirrhosis剖検症例を筆者らが再検討した結果も,この推察を支持した.NASHでは,病期とともに肝細胞の脂肪性変化が減弱,消失する (burnt-out NASH).今後,burnt-out NASHの臨床病理学的診断基準を確立することが,より正確な肝硬変の成因診断につながるであろう.
Theme Non-B, Non-C Hepatitis
Title Histopathology of Cryptogenic Cirrhosis
Author Motoko Sasaki Department of Human Pathology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Yasuni Nakanuma Department of Human Pathology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Cryptogenic cirrhosis is defined as cirrhosis without certain etiologies (eg, hepatitis viral infection or alcohol intake). A diagnosis of cryptogenic cirrhosis should be made after full clinical and pathological examination to rule out other etiologies. Clinical features associated with NASH, such as obesity and diabetes mellitus, are also common in patients with cryptogenic cirrhosis, suggesting that the latter is frequently the end result of NASH. In our re-evaluation of 7 autopsied cases diagnosed as cryptogenic cirrhosis from 1996 to 2005, diabetes mellitus and obesity were present in 71 % and 43 % of the patients, respectively. In pathological examination, most cases displayed sub-mono-lobular small cirrhotic nodule, perivenular fibrosis and focal cell ballooning of hepatocytes, although the extent of fatty deposition was very mild (< 5 % of hepatic parenchyma). These findings also suggested the involvement of NASH in the hidden etiology of cryptogenic cirrhosis. Pathological features such as fatty change and steatohepatitis, often diminish in the end stages of NASH (burnt-out NASH). Therefore, the establishment of clinical and pathological diagnostic criteria for burnt-out NASH is mandatory for an accurate evaluation of the etiology of cirrhosis.