臨牀消化器内科 Vol.20 No.9(4)

特集名 GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor)
題名 GISTの放射線診断
発刊年月 2005年 08月
著者 魚住 和史 東京大学大学院医学系研究科生体物理医学専攻
著者 大友 邦 東京大学医学部放射線科
【 要旨 】 GISTの多くは胃に発生し,境界明瞭,辺縁平滑な腫瘤で壁外性発育を伴うことが多い.腸管と連続する部分が小さく,原発臓器の同定が困難な場合もある.大きな腫瘍では出血,壊死を認める.悪性を示唆する所見は腫瘍のサイズと転移の有無である.転移様式は特徴的で,肝転移,腹膜播種がほとんどで,リンパ節転移は少ない.GISTでは転移性病変の評価が鑑別診断,良悪性の判別において非常に重要である,治療後には肝転移が嚢胞化することがあり,viabilityの評価には注意を要する.
Theme GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor)
Title Diagnostic Imaging of GIST
Author Kazuhito Uozumi Division of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering, Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo University
Author Kuni Ohtomo Department of Radiology, Tokyo University
[ Summary ] Gastrointestinal storomal tumors (GISTs) most commonly occur in the stomach. GISTs usually form well-circumscribed, smooth-marginated tumors. Exophytic growth patterns are common. The origins of some tumors are difficult to determine due to small connections to the stomach or intestine. Larger tumors become inhomogeneous due to hemorrhage and necrosis. Larger tumor size and metastasis suggest malignancy. Liver metastasis and peritoneal dissemination are common and lymphnode metastasis is rare. The pattern of metastatic spread of GIST is characteristic and is helpful in diagnosis. After imatinib treatment, liver metastasis can become lower attenuated on CT images, which suggests the treatment is effective. Judging treatment effects only by tumor size leads to underestimation.