臨牀消化器内科 Vol.20 No.6(4)

特集名 小児の腹痛とその処置 -- 最新の捉え方
題名 小児腹痛におけるCT・MRI
発刊年月 2005年 06月
著者 青木 克彦 静岡県立こども病院放射線科
【 要旨 】 小児は臓器や病巣が小さく組織分解能が低い.検査に非協力的でバイタルサインが不安定など,成人に比べCT・MRIの検査を手軽にできない.しかし苦痛を与えることなく消化管,胆道や血管を客観的画像として観察できることはCT・MRIの利点であり,近年急速に開発された多列検出器CTや高速撮像法により短時間で任意の断面像からわかりやすい画像を得られる恩恵に小児もあずかれるようになってきている.小児CT・MRI検査に必要な鎮静や造影の方法などについて,小児特有の疾患を用いて解説した.
Theme Abdominal Pain in Children : Current Clinical Management
Title Pediatric CT / MRI for Abdominal Pain
Author Katsuhiko Aoki Department of Radiology, Shizuoka Children's Hospital
[ Summary ] While pediatric MRI and CT examinations complement each other in the diagnosis of abdominal pain, both have limitations. MRIs take longer, require more sedation, more preparation, and can be more labor intensive than CTs. They can also induce unstable vital signs in some patients. CTs provide poorer tissue contrast than MRI and require contrast enhancement.
Recent improvements in CT / MRI technology have resolved most of these problems while retaining the best features of both techniques. CT / MRI scans now provide a wide dynamic range of images of the GI tract, the biliary system and associated vessels eliminating the need for contrast medium. Multi-detector row CTs and advanced fast scanning technology have shortened exposure times and provide coherent images from the most desirable planes : coronal, sagittal, adequate oblique cut surface and three-directional images.
To elucidate the roles of sedation and contrast media in pediatric CT / MRI for abdominal pain, several characteristic or typical childhood diseases are presented.