臨牀消化器内科 Vol.20 No.5(3-3)

特集名 緊急内視鏡検査と治療
題名 緊急内視鏡検査を必要とする下部消化管疾患 (3) 血管性疾患 [虚血性腸炎,動静脈奇形 (AVM) など]
発刊年月 2005年 05月
著者 西野 靖夫 松島病院大腸肛門病センター松島クリニック
著者 野沢 博 松島病院大腸肛門病センター松島クリニック
著者 井上 冬彦 松島病院大腸肛門病センター松島クリニック
【 要旨 】 下部消化管の血管性疾患を疑い,緊急内視鏡検査を行う場合,まず十分な問診と身体所見などから前処置法を迅速に決定することが重要である.下血が流動性であれば,多くは前処置を行わないかまたはグリセリン浣腸のみを行う方法がよい.また,内視鏡検査の予定が同時に内視鏡治療へと進むケースもしばしばあり,止血術などの準備を十分行っておくことも必要である.
Theme Emergency Endoscopy
Title Vascular Diseases Including Ischemic Colitis and Arteriovenous Malformation
Author Haruo Nishino Colo-proctology Center Matsushima Clinic
Author Hiroshi Nozawa Colo-proctology Center Matsushima Clinic
Author Fuyuhiko Inoue Colo-proctology Center Matsushima Clinic
[ Summary ] When performing emergent colonoscopy in the lower gastrointestinal tract, suspected vascular disorders and prompt determination of pretreatment procedures, based on sufficient patient interviews and physical findings are crucial. If melena is present in a fluid state, it is preferable that no pretreatment or glycerin enema be undertaken in most cases. Sufficient preparation for hemostasis may also be needed because scheduled endoscopic examinations often turn into simultaneous endoscopic treatment.
Among the disorders presenting melena, ischemic colitis is highly frequent. It can be relatively easily diagnosed from its characteristic symptoms and endoscopic findings. With the advances in endoscopic evaluation techniques and increasing availability, diagnosis and treatment of arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is on the rise. Apparent bleeding is rarely seen in AVM ; surgical intervention is undertaken in many bleeding cases, but in recent years endoscopic treatment has been performed as well.