臨牀消化器内科 Vol.20 No.5(3-1)

特集名 緊急内視鏡検査と治療
題名 緊急内視鏡検査を必要とする下部消化管疾患 (1) 大腸異物
発刊年月 2005年 05月
著者 河野 弘志 久留米大学医学部第二内科
著者 鶴田 修 久留米大学医学部第二内科
著者 吉森 建一 久留米大学医学部第二内科
著者 伊藤 実 久留米大学医学部第二内科
著者 唐原 健 久留米大学医学部第二内科
著者 富安 信夫 久留米大学医学部第二内科
著者 佐田 通夫 久留米大学医学部第二内科
著者 豊永 純 久留米大学医学部第二内科・消化器病センター
著者 有馬 信之 熊本市民病院病理
【 要旨 】 大腸の異物には嚥下性異物と経肛門的異物とがある.実際に消化管異物の症例に遭遇した場合,病歴,身体所見,血液検査成績,腹部単純X線検査をはじめとした各種画像診断結果から異物および患者の状況を把握し,自然排出を待つか,積極的に異物摘出を行うか判断する.
Theme Emergency Endoscopy
Title Diagnosis and Treatment of Foreign Bodies in Large Intestine
Author Hiroshi Kawano Department of Medicine II, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Osamu Tsuruta Department of Medicine II, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Kenichi Yoshimori Department of Medicine II, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Minoru Itou Department of Medicine II, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Takeshi Toubaru Department of Medicine II, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Nobuo Tomiyasu Department of Medicine II, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Michio Sata Department of Medicine II, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Atsushi Toyonaga Division of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Nobuyuki Arima Department of Pathology, Kumamoto Municipal Hospital
[ Summary ] Foreign objects in the large intestine are not a common occurrence. Foreign objects are identified by abdominal X-rays or enema studies. When sharp foreign objects can be detected with abdominal X-rays, endoscopic removal should be attempted. Foreign objects in the rectum are often of various shapes and large in size. So it is difficult to remove them endoscopically. In such cases, foreign objects are removed through the anus after relaxing the anal sphincter. Foreign objects lodged in large intestine should be carefully removed through the anus to avoid intestinal bleeding, laceration or perforation. When foreign objects can not be removed through the anus, general anesthesia and laparotomy are required.