臨牀消化器内科 Vol.20 No.5(1-4)

特集名 緊急内視鏡検査と治療
題名 緊急内視鏡検査を必要とする上部消化管疾患 (4) 胃の腫瘍性疾患
発刊年月 2005年 05月
著者 永尾 重昭 防衛医科大学校光学医療診療部/防衛医科大学校第2内科
著者 梅野 福太郎 防衛医科大学校第2内科
著者 河井 敏宏 防衛医科大学校第2内科
著者 佐藤 知己 防衛医科大学校第2内科
著者 東山 正明 防衛医科大学校第2内科
著者 川口 淳 防衛医科大学校光学医療診療部/防衛医科大学校第2内科
【 要旨 】 緊急内視鏡検査のなかで,胃の腫瘍性疾患が原因となる頻度は一般的には低い.しかしながら,出血の場合,腫瘍の性状などにより内視鏡的止血術が難渋することはまれではない.高齢化社会に入り,種々の合併症を有する患者がその対象となり,救命処置としての内視鏡的止血術による一時止血の重要性は,今後さらに高まるものと考える.クリップ法,局注法など各々の止血術の特性を十分に理解し,その特性を生かした適切な処置が望まれる.各種胃腫瘍性疾患のなかで,その具体的な症例と止血法を示し,緊急内視鏡の適応と止血術を中心に概説した.
Theme Emergency Endoscopy
Title Emergency Endoscopy for Gastric Tumor
Author Shigeaki Nagao Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Digestive Endoscopy, National Defense Medical College / Department of 2nd Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Author Fukutaro Umeno Department of 2nd Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Author Toshihiro Kawai Department of 2nd Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Author Tomoki Sato Department of 2nd Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Author Masaaki Higashiyama Department of 2nd Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Author Atsushi Kawaguchi Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Digestive Endoscopy, National Defense Medical College / Department of 2nd Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] In general, gastric tumors are not the major factors leading to urgent endoscopic examinations in daily practice. However, when upper gastrointestinal bleeding occurs in those cases, the characteristics of the tumors affect both the procedure and the outcome of endoscopic hemostasis. It is often difficult to stop bleeding from tumors endoscopically.
At this time, elderly patients, with various complications, are apt to be the subjects of urgent endoscopic hemostasis. Endoscopic hemostasis will become more important as an emergency management tool even if it has temporary effects. The characteristics of various methods, including clipping, injection therapy, etc. must be understood well enough to achieve the best utility. Some of our cases are shown and the details of endoscopic hemostasis for them are explained, to show the indications and the methods of urgent endoscopic examination and hemostasis.