臨牀消化器内科 Vol.20 No.2(3)

特集名 消化器癌の遠隔転移をどうするか
題名 胃癌・大腸癌の血行性転移をどうするか
発刊年月 2005年 02月
著者 上野 秀樹 防衛医科大学校外科学第一講座
著者 市倉 隆 防衛医科大学校外科学第一講座
著者 橋口 陽二郎 防衛医科大学校外科学第一講座
著者 望月 英隆 防衛医科大学校外科学第一講座
【 要旨 】 胃癌および大腸癌は増殖・進展に関する生物学的態度が大きく異なり,血行性転移に対する各種治療法にも,適応基準の違いが存在する.大腸癌の肝転移および肺転移では,ともに積極的な外科的治療が推奨され,遺残なく摘出することにより長期予後が期待できる.これに対して,腹膜播種や遠隔リンパ節転移を高頻度に伴う胃癌では,肝臓や肺臓の単独転移はまれであり,全身化学療法が治療の主体となり,とくに肺転移には原則的に手術適応はないとされている.胃癌由来の肝転移が単発であった場合には外科的治療の意義があるとする報告が散見されるが,施設ごとの経験が少なく,症例蓄積後の解析が待たれる.本稿では,胃癌・大腸癌の肝・肺転移に関して,現在本邦において汎用されている標準的治療について,その適応基準を中心に概説する.
Theme How to Manage Distant Metastases from Gastrointestinal Cancer?
Title Treatment Strategy for Patients with Hematogenous Metastases from Gastric and Colorectal Cancers
Author Hideki Ueno Department of Surgery 1, National Defense Medical College
Author Takashi Ichikura Department of Surgery 1, National Defense Medical College
Author Yojiro Hashiguchi Department of Surgery 1, National Defense Medical College
Author Hidetaka Mochizuki Department of Surgery 1, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] A therapeutic strategy, including regional and systemic treatments, for patients with hematogenous metastases from gastric and colorectal cancers was discussed, based on the results from resent reports. The indications for regional therapies, such as surgical resection, hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy (HAl), and ablation therapy differs between gastric cancer and colorectal cancer, due to the differences in their biological attitudes.
The survival benefits from surgical treatment (5-year survival rate after hepatic resection : 25-40% ; 5-year survival rate after pulmonary resection : 24-48%) have been generally accepted for patients with metastatic tumors from colorectal cancer. With regard to metastatic liver tumors from gastric cancer, the significance of regional treatments remains controversial. However, some favorable prognostic results are reported regarding surgical treatment for patients having single metastatic liver tumors without extrahepatic disease. In the case of well-maintained HAl for patients with gastric liver metastases, a FAM (5-FU + ADM + MMC) regimen yields response rates of 56-72 %, which is better than that for systemic chemotherapy (S-1 or S-1 plus CDDP). It is generally accepted that there is no surgical indication for patients with lung metastasis from gastric cancer.