臨牀消化器内科 Vol.20 No.13(3)

特集名 大腸の治療内視鏡 -- 最近の進歩
題名 出血性病変に対する止血術
発刊年月 2005年 12月
著者 小林 清典 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 横山 薫 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 佐田 美和 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 勝又 伴栄 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 西元寺 克禮 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 吉澤 繁 小田原市立病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 内視鏡的止血法の適応となる大腸出血性病変として,大腸ポリープの内視鏡的摘除後出血を除くと,憩室出血やangiodysplasiaなどの血管病変からの出血,種々の原因による腸潰瘍からの出血などがあげられる.大腸憩室出血に対する内視鏡的止血法には,クリップ法を用いる場合が多く,憩室開口部をクリップで縫縮する.クリップ法の止血効果は良好で,自験例 (34例) では1例を除き止血可能であった.血管病変からの出血に対しては,限局した出血にはクリップ法,面状の出血にはアルゴンプラズマ凝固法などの熱凝固法が適している.大腸出血性病変に対する内視鏡的止血法は,出血の性状や原疾患により選択するが,組織侵襲が強い止血法を用いる際には,穿孔などの偶発症に注意する必要がある.
Theme Therapeutic Colonoscopy -- Recent Advances
Title Endoscopic Hemostasis for Hemorrhagic Lesions of Large Intestine
Author Kiyonori Kobayashi Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Kaoru Yokoyama Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Miwa Sada Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Tomoe Katsumata Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Katsunori Saigenji Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Shigeru Yoshizawa Department of Gastroenterology, Odawara Municipal Hospital
[ Summary ] Those hemorrhagic lesions of the large intestine as that result from endoscopic hemostasis are brought about by hemorrhaging from diverticular disease, angiodysplasia, radiation proctitis or intestinal ulcers associated with inflammatory bowel disease and other causes. Methods for endoscopic hemostasis are divided into four groups, (1) mechanical hemostasis, (2) heat coagulation, (3) endoscopic injection or (4) spraying of hemostatic drugs. Of these methods, endoscopic clipping is mainly used and is useful for colonic lesions with localized bleeding, such as in visible vessels. Endoscopic hemostasis with the clipping method for diverticular hemorrhaging was successful in 97 % of our cases. Endoscopic argon plasma coagulation (APC) is useful for the treatment of hemorrhagic vascular diseases such as angiodysplasia or radiation proctitis. It is very important to choose most appropriate endoscopic hemostasis method for basic diseases and determined by the characteristics of bleeding as evaluated from endoscopic findings. During examination of patients with hemorrhagic lesions of the large intestine, the general condition of patients should be evaluated while in contact with radiologists and surgeons. Interventional radiology or emergency surgery should be promptly performed on patients in whom hemorrhaging cannot be controlled by endoscopic hemostasis.