臨牀消化器内科 Vol.20 No.12(1-4)

特集名 生体肝移植をめぐる諸問題
題名 生体肝移植の現状をめぐる諸問題 (4) 原発性胆汁性肝硬変に対する肝移植
発刊年月 2005年 11月
著者 板本 敏行 広島大学大学院先進医療開発科学講座外科学
著者 大段 秀樹 広島大学大学院先進医療開発科学講座外科学
著者 田代 裕尊 広島大学大学院先進医療開発科学講座外科学
著者 浅原 利正 広島大学大学院先進医療開発科学講座外科学
【 要旨 】 原発性胆汁性肝硬変 (PBC) はわが国における成人生体肝移植の19%を占め,もっともよい適応であるが,その割合は年々減少している.繰り返す食道静脈瘤の破裂,難治性腹水,肝性昏睡や難治性掻痒症などのQOLを著しく損なうPBC特有の自覚症状の存在,あるいは予後予測モデルから算出された6ヵ月後予想死亡率50%以上,旧Mayoモデルで7点以上,新Mayoモデルで8点以上は肝移植の適応である.本邦における生体肝移植例の1年,5年,10年生存率はそれぞれ79,74,74%である.肝移植後少なくとも10%の症例にPBCの再発を認める.移植後1年で約80%の症例が通常のQOLに回復する.
Theme Debatable Issues in Living-Donor Liver Transplantation
Title Living-Donor Liver Transplantation for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Author Toshiyuki Itamoto Department of Surgery, Division of Frontier Medical Science, Programs for Biomedical Research, Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Hiroshima University
Author Hideki Ohdan Department of Surgery, Division of Frontier Medical Science, Programs for Biomedical Research, Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Hiroshima University
Author Hirotaka Tashiro Department of Surgery, Division of Frontier Medical Science, Programs for Biomedical Research, Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Hiroshima University
Author Toshimasa Asahara Department of Surgery, Division of Frontier Medical Science, Programs for Biomedical Research, Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Hiroshima University
[ Summary ] Cases of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) now account for 19 % of cases in which adult to adult living donor liver transplantations (LDLT) are performed in Japan, though the ratio has been decreasing year by year. The indications for liver transplantation for PBC patients include liver failure and the presence of intractable symptoms such as pruritus or fatigue. When the estimated probability of mortality calculated using the model from the Japan Liver Transplant Registry reaches 50 %, transplantation should be considered. In addition, transplantation is indicated when original and updated Mayo risk scores are higher than 7 and 8, respectively. The 1, 5 and 10 - year survival rates after LDLT in Japan are 79 %, 74 % and 74 %, respectively, these rates being almost equal to those in UNOS and ELTR. PBC can reoccur in at least 10 % of patients who have undergone transplantation. Clinical symptoms present before transplantation improve within one year after transplantation in 80 % of transplant patients.