臨牀消化器内科 Vol.20 No.11(4)

特集名 EUSによる診断と治療 -- 現状と将来展望
題名 食道・胃静脈瘤のEUS診断
発刊年月 2005年 10月
著者 中村 真一 東京女子医科大学消化器病センター
著者 村田 洋子 東京女子医科大学消化器病センター/現 ムラ夕クリニック
著者 光永 篤 東京女子医科大学消化器病センター
著者 大井 至 東京女子医科大学消化器病センター
著者 白鳥 敬子 東京女子医科大学消化器病センター
【 要旨 】 通常内視鏡観察で見ている食道・胃静脈瘤は側副血行路の一部にすぎず,静脈瘤に対して合理的な治療を行うには胃噴門部周囲の血管群,貫通血管,傍食道静脈,穿通枝などの食道,胃壁外の状況を把握する必要がある.超音波内視鏡検査 (EUS) はこれら壁外の血管および静脈瘤との関係を観察するのに適した検査法である.細径プローブによる観察をはじめ,3次元画像表示,カラードプラ表示が可能となり,血行動態ならびに血流方向の理解が容易になった.EUSは内視鏡的硬化療法と内視鏡的静脈瘤結紮術 (EVL) の選択,粘膜線維化治療の要否,再発の予知に関する情報を得るために必要不可欠である.CT angiographyと併用することで,より治療に役立つ血行動態診断が可能になる.
Theme Present Status and Future Aspects of EUS
Title EUS in Diagnosis of Esophago-Gastric Varices
Author Shinichi Nakamura Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Author Yoko Murata Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical University / Murata Clinic
Author Atsushi Mitsunaga Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Author Itaru Oi Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Author Keiko Shiratori Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] At the present time, both ligation and sclerotherapy are widely performed as endoscopic treatments for esophago-gastric varices. It is necessary for rational treatment to understand variceal hemodynamics before initiation. It is impossible to clearly visualize the relationship of regional vascular systems inside and outside the esophageal wall from the cardia of the stomach to the distal esophagus with conventional endoscopy. In this respect, endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) is a useful method for performing evaluation, both before and after treatment, since it is capable of clearly depicting the relationship between esophageal varices and the vascular systems outside of the esophageal wall and is noninvasive. Recently, some types of EUS apparatus with color Doppler systems and three dimensional image processing systems have been developed for clinical use. The relationship between esophageal varices and their feeding vessels, paraesophageal veins, or perforating vessels can be easily understood, facilitating the assessment of hemodynamics. We observed the vascular patterns of esophageal varices using three dimensional-EUS (3D-EUS). The vascular patterns of esophageal varices, classified by 3D-EUS, enabled us to clarify the criteria for making a choice of endoscopic procedures. Furthermore, EUS combined with CT gives us more information concerning therapeutic strategies and predictions of variceal recurrence.