臨牀消化器内科 Vol.20 No.1(4)

特集名 Helicobacter pylori update
題名 H. pyloriと胃癌との因果関係は現在どう考えられているか
発刊年月 2005年 01月
著者 斉藤 大三 国立がんセンター中央病院内視鏡部
【 要旨 】 疫学的研究や動物実験,臨床研究によりH. pylori感染と胃癌発生との関連は強く示唆されてきたが,胃炎から胃癌発生のプロセスや遺伝子異常との関連性などは依然不明である.胃癌では“発生予防”が課題である.除菌による胃前癌状態の改善の報告もあるが最終的結論には至っておらず,またH. pylori感染率と胃癌発生率は相関しないとする報告もあり,将来,胃発癌におけるH. pylori,宿主,環境の3因子の相互作用の研究が必要である.近年,中国,コロンビアにて除菌による胃発癌抑制を示唆する疫学的介入研究の成果も報告された.しかし,この種の研究は,ライフスタイルの違いもあり,各自国でなされる必要がある.1994年に企画された日本における介入研究もようやく終了し,現在,その解析が進められている.
Theme Helicobacter pylori update
Title Causal Link Between Helicobacter pylori Infection and Gastric Carcinogenesis
Author Daizo Saito Endoscopy Division, National Cancer Center Hospital
[ Summary ] The causal relationship between H. pylori infection and gastric cancer has been studied intensively. It has been proved in animal or clinical studies that the progression of gastric precancerous condition is accelerated by H. pylori infection. In addition, the animal experiments using Mongolian gerbils showed that H. pylori has promoting or initiating activity. Further more, it has been reported in human beings that H. pylori eradication may reverse the precancerous condition and inhibit the newly cancer in remnant stomach after the EMR. These data suggest that H. pylori infection is an important avoidable risk factor of gastric cancer.
However, it is well known the discrepancy between the prevalence of H. pylori and the incidence of gastric cancer in the several, especially Asian countries. The interaction among 3 factors, bacterial, host and environmental factors may be involved mutually in gastric carcinogenesis. To determine whether H. pylori eradication is essential or not for the prevention of gastric cancer, the intervention study is need. Recently, the intervention studies in Columbia and China have reported that H. pylori has a close association with the development of gastric cancer. However, this kind of study should be conducted in each country due to the difference of race, life style and so on. The Japanese study (JITHP) started in 1994 has finished and its analysis is ongoing.