臨牀消化器内科 Vol.19 No.9(6-4)

特集名 イレウス診療のpitfall -- いつ外科に送るか
題名 麻痺性イレウス:症例に学ぶ (4) 骨盤腹膜炎
発刊年月 2004年 08月
著者 井上 暁 東京都立墨東病院外科
著者 武永 博 東京都立墨東病院婦人科
【 要旨 】 骨盤腹膜炎の自験31例を検討した結果,腸管麻痺がみられたのは21例 (68%) あったが,広範な麻痺性イレウスを呈したのは6例 (19%) で,そのうち原因疾患がPIDであったのは3例のみであった.一方,虫垂炎やS状結腸憩室の穿通が原因で骨盤腹膜炎をきたした3例はすべて高度の麻痺性イレウスを呈した.すなわちPIDが原因の骨盤腹膜炎においては軽度の腸管麻痺をきたす頻度は高いものの,広範な麻痺性イレウスを生ずることは少なく,高度の麻痺性イレウスがみられる骨盤腹膜炎においては虫垂炎や腸管疾患を疑って,早期の外科適応を考慮すべきと思われた.
Theme Diagnosis and Treatment of Intestinal Obstruction: Timing in Consulting a Surgeon
Title Paralytic Ileus Associated with Pelvic Peritonitis
Author Satoru Inoue Department of Surgey, Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital
Author Hiroshi Takenaga Department of Gynecology, Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital
[ Summary ] Thirty one cases of pelvic peritonitis, including twenty eight with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), two with appendicitis, and one with penetration of the sigmoid colonic diverticulitis were retrospectively reviewed. Paralytic ileus occurred in 21 cases (68%) with 6 cases (19%) being extensive, and three resulting from PID. All three patients with pelvic peritonitis due to appendicitis and penetration of the sigmoid colonic diverticulitis presented severe paralytic ileus. These findings suggest that PID, which is often complicated by localized paralytic ileus, rarely causes extensive problems, and that surgical indications for appendicitis or intestinal diseases should be considered when severe paralytic ileus is observed in cases of pelvic peritonitis.