臨牀消化器内科 Vol.19 No.9(1)

特集名 イレウス診療のpitfall -- いつ外科に送るか
題名 イレウスの病態とその鑑別
発刊年月 2004年 08月
著者 沖永 功太 帝京大学医学部外科
著者 安達 実樹 帝京大学医学部外科
著者 味村 俊樹 帝京大学医学部外科
著者 松田 圭二 帝京大学医学部外科
【 要旨 】 イレウスは,腸管内容の通過が障害された状態と定義され,器質的病変のある機械的イレウスと器質的病変のない機能的イレウスとに分類される.また通過障害の部位によって小腸と大腸に分けられ,それぞれに内腔の閉塞による単純性イレウスと,血行障害を伴う複雑性イレウスの病態がある.小腸イレウスのなかでは,手術後の癒着によるイレウスが大多数を占め,単純性イレウスが多いが,複雑性 (絞扼性) イレウスも起こる.とくに絞扼性イレウスは重篤な病態であり,早期の診断と緊急の外科的治療が要求される.大腸イレウスでは,大腸癌による閉塞が多数を占める.
Theme Diagnosis and Treatment of Intestinal Obstruction: Timing in Consulting a Surgeon
Title Intestinal Obstructions and Ileus: Pathophysiology and Differential Diagnosis
Author Kota Okinaga Department of Surgery, Teikyo University School of Medicine
Author Miki Adachi Department of Surgery, Teikyo University School of Medicine
Author Toshiki Ajimura Department of Surgery, Teikyo University School of Medicine
Author Keiji Matsuda Department of Surgery, Teikyo University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Intestinal obstruction can be broadly defined as any interference with the normal, proximal to distal passage of intestinal contents. In mechanical obstruction, there is an actual physical blockage of the intestinal lumen. Nonmechanical or functional obstructions are defined as conditions where there is inadequate propulsive motility of the bowel, despite an open lumen. Obstructions can be in the small or the large bowel. In cases of simple mechanical obstruction, there is blockage of the bowel wall, while with strangulation obstructions, blood flow to the obstructed segment is compromised. The majority of small bowel obstructions are caused by postoperative adhesions and most of them are simple obstructions, including some strangulation obstructions. A diagnosis of strangulation has crucial significance in clinical practice. For strangulation obstructions, urgent surgical intervention is mandatory. Most large bowel obstructions are caused by colon cancers.