臨牀消化器内科 Vol.19 No.6(6-2)

特集名 いわゆる"慢性胃炎"の適正化へ向けて
題名 MSTによる内視鏡的所見と"慢性胃炎" (2) MSTによる内視鏡診断と"慢性胃炎"
発刊年月 2004年 06月
著者 榊 信廣 東京都立広尾病院内科
【 要旨 】 Minimal Standard Terminology (MST) は,世界標準の用語を用い内視鏡データのコンピュータ管理を目的として開発された用語集で,対象となる臓器ごとに,項目 (Headings),用語 (Terms),属性 (Attributes) および属性値 (Attribute values),および部位 (Sites) で体系的に記載するように作られている."慢性胃炎"粘膜は,さまざまな用語で分類される胃粘膜項目およびびらんの所見で記録される.一方,"慢性胃炎"診断においてMSTでは,Sydney systemでも用いられた内視鏡的胃炎の概念もなく,胃症 (びらん性,発赤,肥厚性,出血性) と胃粘膜萎縮に分けられている.今後,このようなMSTの概念に基づいて,"慢性胃炎"を診断していく必要があると思われる.
Theme Reconstruction of "Chronic Gastritis" in the Future
Title Endoscopic Diagnosis of "Chronic Gastritis", Using Minimal Standard Terminology
Author Nobuhiro Sakaki Internal Medicine, Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital
[ Summary ] Minimal Standard Terminology (MST) was developed to produce a minimal list of terms that may be included within any computer system, used to record the results of gastrointestinal endoscopic examinations. MST consists of Heading, Terms, Attributes (along with Attribute values) and a Site for each gastrointestinal organ. The gastric mucosa of patients with "clinical gastritis" is recorded using the mucosa of the stomach, which is referenced by several terms, including the term for the kind of erosion in the excavated MST lesions. On the other hand, endoscopic findings for "chronic gastritis" are divided into the categories Gastropathy [erosive, erythematous (hyperemic), hypertrophic, and hemorrhagic], as well as Gastric mucosal atrophy, associated with descriptions of MST, in which the of endoscopic gastritis outlined in the Sydney System have disappeared. In conclusion, the concept of MST is useful for the description and diagnosis of "chronic gastritis" using gastrointestinal endoscopy.