臨牀消化器内科 Vol.19 No.6(4)

特集名 いわゆる"慢性胃炎"の適正化へ向けて
題名 H.pyloriと慢性組織学的胃炎
発刊年月 2004年 06月
著者 兒玉 雅明 大分大学医学部総合診療部
著者 沖本 忠義 大分大学医学部総合診療部
著者 藤岡 利生 大分大学医学部総合診療部
著者 佐藤 竜吾 大分大学医学部第二内科
著者 村上 和成 大分大学医学部第二内科
【 要旨 】 H.pylori感染により,胃粘膜に組織学的な慢性胃炎を生じ,やがて慢性萎縮性胃炎を生じる.前庭部胃炎,体部胃炎などの組織学的胃炎に影響するものとして,感染よりの期間をはじめ,宿主側因子としては感染時の酸分泌能の差,IL-1Betaの多型性,菌側因子としてcag PAI保有株の関連などが挙げられ,これらは胃粘膜障害,萎縮性胃炎の進展,胃発癌のリスクにもつながることが示唆されている.H.pylori感染による慢性胃炎は,細胞回転の亢進,p53の遺伝子変異などが認められ,前癌病変と位置づけられる.スナネズミ感染モデルでは,H.pylori感染単独で胃癌発生を認めている.除菌治療により,組織学的胃炎は改善を認めるが,除菌が胃癌予防につながるかは,依然明白な答えはない.H.pylori感染に伴う組織学的胃炎は胃発癌の危険性も考慮し,治療にあたる必要がある.
Theme Reconstruction of "Chronic Gastritis" in the Future
Title Relation between Helicobacter pylori Infection and Histological Gastritis
Author Masaaki Kodama Department of General Medicine, Oita University, Faculty of Medicine
Author Tadayoshi Okimoto Department of General Medicine, Oita University, Faculty of Medicine
Author Toshio Fujioka Department of General Medicine, Oita University, Faculty of Medicine
Author Ryugo Satoh 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Oita University, Faculty of Medicine
Author Kazunari Murakami 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Oita University, Faculty of Medicine
[ Summary ] Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) infection is the main cause of histological chronic gastritis and the persistent infection from this bacterium has been shown to lead to atrophic changes in the gastric mucosa. The variations in inflammatory localization depend on many factors, such as the genetic polymorphism of IL-1 Betas in association with host factors, cag PAI and Cag A associated strains all of which display the cytotoxicity of this bacterium as a bacterial factor, along with many other factors. Long term infection and the association of these factors may also lead to not only atrophic gastritis but also gastric cancer. Chronic atrophic gastritis with H.pylori infection is considered to be one of the precursors of gastric cancer. The atrophic mucosa of the stomach showed cell cycle acceleration, increased quantities of mutant type of p53 in humans and infected animal models. A Mongolian gerbil model showed development of gastric cancer with H.pylori infection alone. Eradication therapy for H.pylori reduced gastric inflammation remarkably. However, one of the most important questions is whether eradication therapy leads to the prevent on of gastric cancer or not. This is still under debate. To clarify this question, further intervention studies are needed.