臨牀消化器内科 Vol.19 No.6(1)

特集名 いわゆる"慢性胃炎"の適正化へ向けて
題名 "慢性胃炎"とは
発刊年月 2004年 06月
著者 矢野 裕一朗 県立宮崎病院内科
著者 菅野 健太郎 自治医科大学消化器内科
【 要旨 】 日常診療における"慢性胃炎"は保険病名として便宜的に使用されている場合が多く,疾患概念や診断基準が曖昧である.しかも,内視鏡医を中心とした肉眼 (内視鏡) 診断と組織診断を行う病理学者の間に違いがあるように,専門医学会においても慢性胃炎自体の疾患概念や診断基準には統一的な見解がないのが現状である.さらに,従来の"慢性胃炎"の研究は胃粘膜の慢性炎症所見に対するマクロとミクロの比較対比など,病理学的な検討が主体であり,その病因論や臨床的意義についての考察が分類に十分反映されているとはいえなかった.しかし,WarrenとMarshallによりHelicobacter pylori (H.pylori) と胃炎との関連性が示唆され,その後の研究の進展によって慢性胃炎に果たすその病因的意義が解明されてきたことを受け,"慢性胃炎"の分類や概念が急速に整理され,病因論的な考え方を取り入れたUpdated Sydney systemが確立された.さらに,H.pylori感染症が慢性胃炎を基盤として消化性潰瘍・胃癌の発生リスクを高めることも多くの研究により明確になってきている.本稿では"慢性胃炎"の研究の歴史を振り返りながら,わが国における慢性胃炎の疾患概念を今後どのように整理すべきかについて私見を述べることとする.
Theme Reconstruction of "Chronic Gastritis" in the Future
Title Classification of Chronic Gastritis: History and Future Perspectives
Author Yuichiro Yano Department of Medicine, Miyazaki Prefectural Miyazaki Hospital
Author Kentaro Sugano Devision of Gastroentenology, Jichi Medical School
[ Summary ] A variety of heterogeneous disease entities such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), functional dyspepsia and macroscopic and/or histological gastritis are included under the category of "chronic gastritis", used for reimbursement in daily clinical practice. In addition to this abuse, no unified agreement has been reached by academic societies. For instance, endoscopists classify chronic gastritis according to macroscopic findings such as erythema, erosion, atrophy, and intestinal metaplasia, while the diagnosis by pathologists is based on histological findings such as inflammatory infiltration, gland atrophy, and intestinal metaplasia. The discordance between macroscopic and microscopic findings and diagnosis is well known and despite efforts to reconcile the discrepancy, no unanimous agreement has been reached.
In 1982, identification of Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) by Warren and Marshal has revolutionized the whole concept of chronic gastritis. The concept that H.pylori infection is a major etiologic factor associated with chronic gastritis has been well established. Subsequently, a number of epidemiological observations, as well as experiments with animal models, have indicated that chronic gastritis, due to H.pylori, is a predisposing condition for gastric malignancies such as mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma and cancer. These conceptual changes have brought about new ideas for classifying chronic gastritis based on etiology, because they help implement therapeutic optimization of chronic gastritis treatment, most importantly, eradication therapy for H.pylori-positive gastritis. Further research by clinicians and pathologists and efforts to reach consensus on the etiology based classification of chronic gastritis should continued both by clinicians and pathologists.