臨牀消化器内科 Vol.19 No.13(9)

特集名 消化器疾患と食事
題名 食生活と膵癌
発刊年月 2004年 12月
著者 角 みどり 産業医科大学第三内科
著者 大槻 眞 産業医科大学第三内科
【 要旨 】 膵癌は加齢とともに増加し,約80%は60-80歳に発生する.膵癌発生には遺伝的因子と環境因子が関与しているが,遺伝子異常で説明できる膵癌は10%以下であり,大部分は環境因子による.摂取総エネルギー量が多いほど膵癌発生率が高い.脂肪摂取量と膵癌発生の関連では,総エネルギー摂取量の増加による膵癌発生の増加の可能性がある.さらに,肉の摂取量と膵癌発生率に関しても,コレステロール過剰摂取で膵癌発生の危険度が高くなると考えられる.肉や魚に関しては,塩漬けや燻製など,調理と処理方法も膵癌発生と関連している.一方,野菜,果物および食物繊維は膵癌に対し予防的効果を示す.疫学研究や動物実験から,単一の原因で膵癌発生を説明できるものはなく,多くのリスク要因が働いて発癌に至ると考えられる.
Theme Diet as Etiologic Factors and Therapeutic Tools in Digestive Diseases
Title Food, Nutrition and Pancreatic Cancer
Author Midori Kaku Third Department of Internal Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan, School of Medicine
Author Makoto Otsuki Third Department of Internal Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan, School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The incidence of pancreatic cancer increases with age, with approximately 80% of cases occurring between the ages of 60 and 80. Both genetic and environmental factors play significant roles in the etiology of pancreatic cancers genetic factors account for less than 10%, while most pancreatic cancers are caused by environmental factors. Diets high in energy, high in cholesterol and meat possibly increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. In contrast, vegetable, fruit, vitamin C, and dietary fiber consumption may play a protective role in the development of pancreatic cancers. Although epidemiological studies and animal experiments suggest several causative factors in pancreatic carcinogenesis, there is no single dietary factor that can explain a close relationship to pancreatic cancer risk. Pancreatic cancers are considered to be due to interrelationships between genetic, hormonal, metabolic, environmental and dietary factors in carcinogenesis.