臨牀消化器内科 Vol.19 No.11(1-2)

特集名 B型肝炎 update 2004
題名 B型肝炎の病態 update (2) HBV genotypeと肝細胞癌
発刊年月 2004年 10月
著者 藤江 肇 東京大学医学部附属病院消化器内科
著者 小池 和彦 東京大学医学部感染制御学感染症内科学
【 要旨 】 近年B型肝炎ウィルス (HBV) のgenotypeが,慢性HBV感染症の臨床的特徴の差異と関連すると示唆されている.日本を含む東アジアでは,genotype BとCが大部分を占め,genotype Cは肝細胞癌発生に強く関連する.genotype Bは予後良好である.しかしながら台湾北部では,genotype Bは若い,非肝硬変患者の肝細胞癌発生と関連し,日本と中国とは対照的である.さらに肝細胞癌はcore promoter変異 (T 1762/A 1764) と関連することが報告されている.香港での検討では,多変量ロジスティック回帰分析で判明した,肝細胞癌に関連する独立因子はCP変異のみであり,genotype Cは有意な独立因子ではなかった.肝細胞癌とgenotype Cとの関連は本質的なものではおそらくなく,CP変異を高頻度に有するためと考えられる.genotype Bは二つの亜型 (BaとBj) に分類可能で,疫学的およびウィルス学的差異が報告されている.しかしそれでは少なくとも台湾のgenotype Bの多彩な臨床像は説明不可能である.今後の検討が必要である.
Theme Hepatitis B Update 2004
Title Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Author Hajime Fujie Department of Gastroenterology, the University of Tokyo Hospital
Author Kazuhiko Koike Department of Infection Control and Prevention, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
[ Summary ] Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major health problem. Hepatitis B is endemic, especially in East Asia, including Japan. Chronic HBV infection can lead to severe chronic liver disease, namely cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Recently, the HBV genotype has been suggested to correlate with differences in the clinical features of chronic HBV infection. ln East Asia, where genotypes B and C are the predominant HBV strains, genotype C is closely associated with the development of HCC and genotype B is associated with better prognoses. In northern Taiwan, however, genotype B is associated with the development of HCC in young non-cirrhotic patlents, in contrast to genotype B in Japan and China. Furthermore, HCC has been reported in association with basal core promoter (BCP) mutations (T 1762/A 1764). In a study from Hong Kong, by multiple logistic regression analysis, the only independent factor associated with HCC was BCP mutations, but genotype C HBV was not a significant factor. This result suggests that an association between HCC and genotype C is probably not genuine but is due to a high percentage of BCP mutations in patlents with genotype C. The genotype B can be devided into two subtypes [Ba (a for Asia) and Bj (j for Japan)] and the epidemiological and virological differences between these have been reported. However, these differences cannot explain the variable clinical outcomes of patients with genotype B HBV infection, at least in Taiwan. Further virological, environmental, and genetic studies are necessary.