臨牀消化器内科 Vol.19 No.10(4-1)

特集名 上部消化管での内視鏡的治療の現況と問題点
題名 栄養補給または腸管減圧を目的とした内視鏡的治療 (1) 経皮内視鏡的胃瘻造設術 (PEG) の有用性と問題点 -- PTEG (経皮経食道胃管挿入術) を含めて
発刊年月 2004年 09月
著者 小山 茂樹 滋賀医科大学消化器内科
【 要旨 】 嚥下・摂食困難患者に対し,消化・吸収・代謝の消化管機能が正常で長期栄養療法が必要な患者がPEG/PTEGの適応となる.PEGは,経鼻胃管チューブに比べ,顔面の胃管チューブの存在による患者・家族の精神的・肉体的負担の解消,食道内逸脱による呼吸器合併症の消失,事故抜去の解決,病院内や在宅での管理の容易性,リハビリテーション時の患者自立性,長期的に安定した経腸栄養法で,外科的胃瘻/食道瘻造設術より低侵襲で安全性の高い手技などである.
Theme Endoscopic Treatment of Upper Gastrointestine: Current Status and Clinical Problems
Title Endoscopic Treatment Aimed at Nutrition or Intestinal Tract Decompression: Usefulness and Problems with PEG
Author Shigeki Koyama Department of Gastroenterology, Shiga University of Medical Science
[ Summary ] Swallowing disturbances in patients, due to neuromuscular disease, with normal alimentary tract function, must receive managed nutrition using gastrostomies. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a less invasive and more safe technique than surgical gastrostomy. Nutrition using PEG provides better therapy in relation to cosmetic concerns, complications and management than nasal tubing nutrition. PEG may be safely performed. Once trouble arises, it may lead to critical conditions, because many patients who receive PEG are elderly. In order to perform PEG safely, we must understand the proper indications for its application and contra-indications, consider the risks, avoid complications to perform PEG properly.