臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.9(4-1)

特集名 NASH(非アルコール性脂肪性肝炎)
題名 NASHの成因と病態 (1) インスリン抵抗性とNASH
発刊年月 2003年 08月
著者 西原 利治 高知医科大学消化器病態学
著者 野崎 靖子 高知医科大学消化器病態学
著者 高橋 昌也 高知医科大学消化器病態学
著者 小野 正文 高知医科大学消化器病態学
著者 岩崎 信二 高知医科大学消化器病態学
著者 大西 三朗 高知医科大学消化器病態学
【 要旨 】 長い人類の歴史のほとんどは飢餓や感染症との戦いであった.しかし,18世紀後半に始まった産業革命により工業化が進むと,衛生環境が向上し,十分な食事を取ることも可能となった.「楽をしたい」とか,「美味しいものを食べたい」というのは,人間に備わった特質であり,肥満や糖尿病,高脂血症,高血圧などの生活習慣病に繋がる性でもあった.過飲や過食はこのように人間存在の本質に関わる行動に根ざしているため,啓発活動のみで生活習慣病を克服することは容易ではない.本稿では飢餓により淘汰を受けて進化してきた人類が,飽食の時代にインスリン抵抗性という問題に直面している現状を紹介したい.
Theme Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
Title Insulin Resistance in NASH
Author Toshiji Saibara First Department of Medicine, Kochi Medical School
Author Yasuko Nozaki First Department of Medicine, Kochi Medical School
Author Masaya Takahashi First Department of Medicine, Kochi Medical School
Author Masafumi Ono First Department of Medicine, Kochi Medical School
Author Shinji Iwasaki First Department of Medicine, Kochi Medical School
Author Saburo Onishi First Department of Medicine, Kochi Medical School
[ Summary ] In the past two decades, the number of obese persons has doubled in Japan. The number of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) cases has been considered to be low, but the increase in the obese population has resulted in an obvious increase in life style-related diseases in the past two decades. As NASH is often associated with diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus and hypertriglyceridemia, the majority of NASH patients meet the diagnostic criteria for insulin resistance syndrome. Body mass index (BMI) and HOMA-IR, determined by Homeostasis model assessment for these individuals are apparently higher than those observed in healthy volunteers. 75g OGTT revealed that the majority of NASH patients suffer from diabetes mellitus or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Hyperinsulinemia in 75g OGTT is another characteristic feature observed in NASH patients, but the division between these is blurred and impaired insulin secretion becomes evident when liver fibrosis develops. Insulin hypersecretion may be attributable to increased insulin secretion rather than decreased hepatic extraction of insulin. Since half of NASH patients develop liver fibrosis within ten years and hepatic steatosis is a frequent, complication in patients with non-viral hepatocarcinogenesis, we must investigate the pathogenesis of NASH precisely and develop new medicines to overcome insulin resistance in the near future.