臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.9(3)

特集名 NASH(非アルコール性脂肪性肝炎)
題名 NASHの肝組織像
発刊年月 2003年 08月
著者 円山 英昭 高知医科大学分子・生体制御学講座病理病態学教室
著者 河合 秀二 高知医科大学分子・生体制御学講座病理病態学教室
著者 戸井 慎 高知医科大学分子・生体制御学講座病理病態学教室
著者 黒田 直人 高知医科大学分子・生体制御学講座病理病態学教室
著者 弘井 誠 高知医科大学分子・生体制御学講座病理病態学教室
著者 西原 利治 高知医科大学分子・生体制御学講座消化器病態学教室
【 要旨 】 非アルコール性脂肪性肝炎(NASH)は近年,診断数が増加している慢性肝疾患で,壊死・炎症反応が持続すると,一部は肝硬変にまで進展する.臨床的に非アルコール性(nonalcoholic)であることが確認された症例では,予後良好な脂肪肝や脂肪性変化を伴う非特異性肝炎との鑑別や病期を決定するため,針生検による病理組織検査が必要である.NASHの病理像では,とくに肝細胞の大滴性を主とする強い脂肪化,風船様腫大,小葉内の好中球やリンパ球の軽度な浸潤像の3所見の組み合わせが重要であり,肝細胞の風船様腫大とMallory硝子体の形成および線維化像は病変の活動性および進行性を示唆する.病期は線維化像を欠くNASH例から,zone 3 fibrosisを示す例,さらにperiportal fibrosis,次いでbridging fibrosisが加わった例,そして肝硬変までの5病期に分けられる.
Theme Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
Title Histopathology of NASH
Author Hideaki Enzan Department of Pathology, Program of Bioregulation and Genetics, Kochi Medical School
Author Shuji Kawai Department of Pathology, Program of Bioregulation and Genetics, Kochi Medical School
Author Makoto Toi Department of Pathology, Program of Bioregulation and Genetics, Kochi Medical School
Author Naoto Kuroda Department of Pathology, Program of Bioregulation and Genetics, Kochi Medical School
Author Makoto Hiroi Department of Pathology, Program of Bioregulation and Genetics, Kochi Medical School
Author Toshiji Saibara Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Program of Bioregulation and Genetics, Kochi Medical School
[ Summary ] Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a chronic liver disease and may occasionally progress to fibrosis or cirrhosis. Histopathological findings related to NASH are associated with steatosis-related findings (macrovesicular steatosis, lipogranuloma, and glycogenated nucleus), hepatitis-associated findings (hepatocellular ballooning degeneration, occurrence of Mallory's hyaline, acidophilic bodies, iron deposition in zone 1 hepatocytes, activation of Kupffer cells and hepatic stellate cells, and also lobular and portal inflammatory cell infiltration), and varying degrees of fibrosis (predominantly zone 3 perivenular and perisinusoidal/pericellular fibrosis). Since the histopathologic criteria for diagnosis are not specific and no single pathognomonic finding is present in NASH, a combination of findings, such as macrovesicular steatosis, hepatocellular ballooning and mixed mild intralobular inflammation, are necessary for this diagnosis. In NASH with progression to liver cirrhosis and a poor prognosis, biopsies may show hepatocellular ballooning, Mallory's bodies and/or fibrosis. In fibrosis staging, NASH can be categorized into five stages; from NASH with no fibrosis (stage 0) and with zone 3 fibrosis (stage 1), through the stages with more progressive fibrosis, including periportal (stage 2) and bridging fibrosis (stage 3) to liver cirrhosis (stage 4).