臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.6(4-4)

特集名 消化器疾患の腹腔鏡下治療 -- 適応と限界
題名 各論;利点,適応と限界,治療成績等 (4) 胆嚢,胆道疾患の腹腔鏡下治療
発刊年月 2003年 06月
著者 村山 道典 自衛隊阪神病院外科
著者 相原 司 自衛隊阪神病院外科
著者 柳生 利彦 自衛隊阪神病院外科
著者 中村 榮秀 自衛隊阪神病院外科
著者 柿原 稔 防衛医科大学校第一外科
著者 初瀬 一夫 防衛医科大学校第一外科
【 要旨 】 腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術は,胆嚢摘出術の85%を占めるまで普及した.これにより,胆嚢摘出術の適応が拡がった.急性胆嚢炎,胆嚢ポリープ,早期胆嚢癌に対しても手術時期あるいは手術術式を工夫しながら行われている.開腹移行や合併症は一定の頻度で起こりうるが,胆管損傷にもっとも注意をする必要がある.術中胆道造影や腹腔内ドレナージの必要性は意見が分かれる.ラーニングカーブ途中の合併症を減らすため,トレーニングシステムが確立された.腹腔鏡下総胆管結石截石術は施設や医師によって,適応や術式が異なる.総胆管結石症に対しては内視鏡的治療も広く行われているが,治療の一貫性や医療コストの面からみると腹腔鏡下治療の普及が望まれる.
Theme Laparoscopic Treatment of Gastroenterological Diseases in Terms of Their Indication and Limitation
Title Laparoscopic Surgery for Biliary Tract
Author Michinori Murayama Department of Surgery, Japan Self Defense Force Hanshin Hospital
Author Tsukasa Aihara Department of Surgery, Japan Self Defense Force Hanshin Hospital
Author Toshihiko Yagyu Department of Surgery, Japan Self Defense Force Hanshin Hospital
Author Eishu Nakamura Department of Surgery, Japan Self Defense Force Hanshin Hospital
Author Minoru Kakihara First Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
Author Kazuo Hatsuse First Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] The proportion of cholecystectomies done laparoscopically has risen to 85% in Japan. The introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomies induced a significant rise in cholecystectomy rates. Acute cholecystitis, gall bladder polyps and early gall bladder cancer are treated laparoscopically with careful consideration of the timing and technical modifications. Conversion to open surgery and postoperative complications were observed with some frequency. Bile duct injury should be avoided most carefully. Routine intraoperative cholangiography and placement of intra-abdominal drainage are still controversial. A training system was established to avoid complications due to the early learning curve. There are diverse indications and procedures for laparoscopic common bile duct exploration. Although endoscopic treatment for choledo cholithiasis is popular, laparoscopic treatment is a more beneficial and economical strateg. It is hoped that laparoscopic common bile duct exploration will become a more common surgery.