臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.5(1-1)

特集名 原発性胆汁性肝硬変 -- 最近の話題
題名 原発性胆汁性肝硬変の診断 (1) 概念と診断
発刊年月 2003年 05月
著者 前田 隆 高知医科大学第一内科
著者 秋澤 直明 高知医科大学第一内科
著者 岩崎 信二 高知医科大学第一内科
著者 小野 正文 高知医科大学第一内科
著者 西原 利治 高知医科大学第一内科
著者 大西 三朗 高知医科大学第一内科
【 要旨 】 原発性胆汁性肝硬変(PBC)は中年以降の女性に好発する慢性の肝内胆汁うっ滞症である.病因は自己免疫学的機序に基づく胆管破壊によるとされるが,自己抗原をはじめ,その詳細は不明である.1950年,Ahrensらにより原因不明の胆汁性肝硬変として報告され,その概念が確立されたが,現在では,新規症例の2/3は病早期の無症候性PBCであり,もはやこの歴史的疾患名は時代錯誤的で誤解を生みやすい状況にある.診断は抗ミトコンドリア抗体の検出と,慢性非化膿性破壊性胆管炎と呼ばれる特徴的な組織学的所見によりなされる.黄疸を呈する症候性PBCの予後は不良であるが,皮膚掻痒感,黄疸などの症状を欠く無症候性PBCの予後はおおむね良好とされている.
Theme Primary Biliary Cirrhosis : update 2003
Title Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: Definition and Diagnostic Criteria
Author Takashi Maeda First Department of Internal Medicine, Kochi Medical School
Author Naoaki Akisawa First Department of Internal Medicine, Kochi Medical School
Author Shinji Iwasaki First Department of Internal Medicine, Kochi Medical School
Author Masafumi Ono First Department of Internal Medicine, Kochi Medical School
Author Toshiji Saibara First Department of Internal Medicine, Kochi Medical School
Author Saburo Onishi First Department of Internal Medicine, Kochi Medical School
[ Summary ] Primary biliary cirrhosis(PBC) is a chronic cholestatic liver disease, mainly affecting middle aged women. The etiology remains unknown, but the disease is associated with profound immunological disturbances and this has been related to bile duct destruction. Historically, Ahrens and colleagues established the concept of PBC in 1950. In their definitive modern description, they reported clinical and laboratory studies in PBC patients with "cirrhotic stage" and the disease was not considered to be due to any known cause and in particular not a consequence of extrahepatic biliary obstruction. However, two thirds of newly diagnosed cases, at present, are asymptomatic patients with "early" stage. Accordingly, the terminology of PBC is historically well entrenched but now misleadingly anachronistic. PBC is diagnosed by the presence of high-titer mitochondrial autoantibodies and the characteristic histology with inflammation and obliteration of the intrehepatic bile ducts (chronic non-suppurative destructive cholangitis). The prognosis of asymptomatic PBC is good in general, but symptomatic PBC patients with jaundice have poor prognoses. Based on data from a national survey of Japanese PBC patients, the 5-year survival rates of patients with asymptomatic PBC, PBC with pruritus, and PBC with jaundice at the time of diagnosis were 97, 88, and 53%, respectively.