臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.4(6)

特集名 Non-ulcer Dyspepsiaの診断・治療
題名 消化管知覚障害とNUD
発刊年月 2003年 04月
著者 金子 宏 愛知医科大学看護学部病態治療学
著者 小長谷 敏浩 愛知医科大学医学部消化器内科
著者 山口 力 愛知医科大学医学部総合診療内科
著者 今村 祐志 愛知医科大学医学部消化器内科
著者 楠神 和男 名古屋大学医学部第一内科
著者 各務 伸一 愛知医科大学医学部消化器内科
【 要旨 】 NUDの病態生理は依然不明確である.NUDでは消化管のバルーン拡張刺激に対する閾値の低下が観察され,消化管知覚障害が存在する.カプサイシン感受性神経の神経伝達物質であるP物質,カルシトニン遺伝子関連ペプチド(CGRP)の胃局所における意義や,痛みの伝達路として迷走神経求心路の関与が提唱されている.消化管知覚の評価法としてはバロスタットを使用した閾値の測定が理想的であるが,使用に制限が多い.最大飲水量を測定する飲水負荷試験やカプサイシン負荷試験が簡便法として挙げられる.最近,カプサイシンの長期投与によるNUDへの治療効果が報告された.脳腸相関のからみも含めて消化管知覚障害はNUDにおける重要な要因の一つである.
Theme Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-ulcer Dyspepsia
Title Abnormal Visceral Perception in Non-ulcer Dyspepsia
Author Hiroshi Kaneko Pathophysiology and Therapeutics, Aichi Medical University College of Nursing, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
Author Toshihiro Konagaya Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
Author Chikara Yamaguchi Department of Internal Medicine, Division of General Medicine, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
Author Hiroshi Imamura Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
Author Kazuo Kusugami First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Author Shinichi Kakumu Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The pathophysiology of non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD) still remains unclear. Abnormal visceral perception may play a role in NUD, because a lower threshold for intragastric balloon distension exists in NUD, compared to normal volunteers. The implications of gastric topical neuropeptides (neurotransmitters), such as substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptides, in capsaicin sensitive primary afferent sensory neurons and the involvement of the afferent pathway of the vagus to convey the sensory input against noxious stimuli from the gastric mucosa to the brain stem have been proposed. The standard method for measuring the threshold of visceral sensation is the barostat technique, however it has many limitations. 'Water drink test' for calculating the maximal volume of non-caloric or caloric water intake and 'capsaicin load test', in which a dyspeptic response to a small dose of oral capsaicin ingestion is examined, are reported to be simple alternative methods to carry out the barostat technique. Recently, a beneficial effect of long term capsaicin treatment for dyspepsia in NUD has been reported. Abnormal visceral perception is one important pathoetiology to explain dyspeptic symptoms in NUD, in relation to brain-gut interactions.