臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.4(1)

特集名 Non-ulcer Dyspepsiaの診断・治療
題名 NUDの定義の変遷
発刊年月 2003年 04月
著者 本郷 道夫 東北大学医学部附属病院総合診療部
著者 佐竹 学 東北大学医学部附属病院心療内科
【 要旨 】 上腹部の不快愁訴がありながら,その原因として器質的病変や生化学的変化を同定できない病態は,日常診療で頻繁に遭遇する.その時代の診断能に応じて,胃下垂・胃アトニーや胃痙攣,神経性胃炎,慢性胃炎,non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD) とその呼び方が変わり,最近は機能性ディスペプシア(functional dyspepsia)あるいは機能性胃腸症と呼ばれるようになってきた.症状発現機序の考え方も,胃壁緊張の問題,心理情動,胃の炎症と変遷し,胃運動機能障害を主要因とする考え方がNUDと呼ばれた頃にもっとも強調された.しかし近年は,それ以上に内臓知覚異常を主要因と考えるようになり,研究面でのアプローチの方法の変遷により,その考え方も変わってきた.
Theme Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-ulcer Dyspepsia
Title Changes in Concept of Functional Dyspepsia
Author Michio Hongo Department of Comprehensive Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital
Author Manabu Satake Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital
[ Summary ] We see many patients who complain about dyspeptic symptoms without any evidence of organic lesions nor biochemical changes to explain the patients' complaints. Such conditions are termed gastroptosis/gastric atony and gastric spasm, neurogenic gastritis, or chronic gastritis, and considered to be non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD), according to the diagnostic techniques available ateach moment. However, the term 'functional dyspepsia' is preferred among investigators at the present time. The concept of the pathogenesis of such conditions has also changed from time to time in relation to impaired gastric wall tone, diagnosed by fluoroscopy, or psychoemotional contributions by psychoanalysis/interviews, to gastric mucosal inflammations by endoscopies. Gastric dysmotility was stressed as the main pathogenic factor for dyspeptic symptoms when motility studies were popular. This has now shifted to the visceral perception of abnormalities, judged by a variety of new approaches. Such changes were affected by the modalities of technical approaches available at the particular time.