臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.3(3)

特集名 早期大腸癌 -- 最近の話題
題名 内視鏡による早期大腸癌の拾い上げ診断
発刊年月 2003年 03月
著者 光島 徹 亀田検診センター
著者 山地 裕 東京大学医学部消化器内科
著者 和田 亮一 亀田総合病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 1983年4月~2002年3月の19年間に,われわれの人間ドックにおいて内視鏡による大腸癌検診を受診したのは,延べ87,120名(平均年齢50.3歳)である.これらのうちスコープが盲腸まで到達したのは,85,921回(98.6%)であった.発見された大腸腫瘍性疾患の内訳は,進行癌58例(発見率0.07%),sm癌42例(0.05%),m癌176例(0.20%),腺腫13,349例(15.3%),カルチノイド52例(0.06%)などであった.sm癌42病巣の肉眼形態は,隆起型62%,表面隆起型7%,表面陥凹型31%であった.m癌185病巣では,隆起型80%,表面隆起型15%,表面陥凹型5%であった.大腸内視鏡は,費用,効率,受診者の受容性などを考慮しなければ,もっとも優れた早期大腸癌の拾い上げ法である.
Theme Early Colorectal Cancer -- Recent Topics
Title Screening Total Colonoscopy for the Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer
Author Toru Mitsushima Kameda Cancer Screening Center
Author Yutaka Yamaji Department of Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Author Ryoichi Wada Department of Gastroenterology, Kameda General Hospital
[ Summary ] From April 1983 through March 2002, 26,986 asymptomatic Japanese underwent 87,120 examinations of total colonoscopy for screening colorectal cancer in our annual medical health check-ups. Total colonoscopy of the cecum was performed on 98.6% (85,921 examinations). Fifty eight cases of advanced cancer, beyond the submucosa (0.07%), forty two cases of invasive cancer of the submucosa (0.05%), one hundred seventy six cases of carcinoma in situ (0.20%), thirteen thousand three handred forty nine cases of adenoma (15.3%), and fifty two cases with carcinoid tumors (0.06%) were found. Out of forty two invasive cancer lesions in the submucosa, twenty six lesions were of the protruding type (62%), three lesions displayed flat, elevated appearance (7%), and thirteen lesions were of the depressed type (31%). Out of one hundred eighty five carcinoma in situ lesions, one hundred forty eight were of the protruding type (80%), twenty seven lesions were the flat elevated type (15%), and ten lesions were of the depressed type (5%). Total colonoscopy is the best method for screening early colorectal cancer, if cost or compliance are not concerened.