臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.3(1)

特集名 早期大腸癌 -- 最近の話題
題名 検診による早期大腸癌のスクリーニング -- 臨床疫学的観点から
発刊年月 2003年 03月
著者 斎藤 博 弘前大学生涯学習教育研究センター
【 要旨 】 便潜血検査(FOBT)による大腸がん検診は,その死亡率減少効果が実証されている.早期癌に限ってみるとFOBT1,2日法の感度は54~77%と比較的高い報告もあるが,小さい癌に対する感度は低く,10mm以下の病変に対しては約30%かそれ以下と報告されている.このような病変を1回でもれなく拾い上げるには少なくとも全大腸内視鏡検査によるスクリーニングが必要であるが,検診の枠組みでは成立しえない.大腸癌は基本的に前臨床期が長く,逐年検診の中で早期癌を拾い上げることも有効と考えられ,実際,FOBTによる浸潤癌の罹患率抑制効果が明らかになってる.さらなる向上のために今後,FOBTに全大腸内視鏡検査を組み入れた検診プログラムの研究が必要である.
Theme Early Colorectal Cancer -- Recent Topics
Title Screening for Early Colorectal Cancer by Fecal Occult Blood Testing -- Relationship between Test Sensitivity and Screening Efficacy
Author Hiroshi Saito Center for Education and Research of Lifelong Learning, Hirosaki University
[ Summary ] Randomized controlled trials have demonstrated that the use of screening programs with guaiac-based fecal occult blood tests (FOBT) reduce mortality from colorectal cancer by 15-33%. On the other hand test sensitivity for guaiac-based FOBT was reported to be 23-33% on the basis of colonoscopy performed on all subjects in asymptomatic populations. However, these values are too low to account for the 15-33% reduction in colorectal cancer mortality. For immunochemical FOBT, apparent higher sensitivities than the guaiac-based test have been reported, eg. 67-89% vs 33%. However the sensitivity to detect small early cancers less than 1cm in diameter was as low as 30% even for the immunochemical FOBT.
There are several issues to be considered in interpreting test sensitivity in relation to screening efficacy. One important issue is that sensitivity based on colonoscopy in all subjects necessarily leads to an overestimate of the prevalence, which is a denominator in calculating sensitivity. Accordingly, calculated sensitivity is an underestimate of sensitivity. The program sensitivity of a series of annual screenings might be a better alternative to test sensitivity in understanding screening efficacy. Such program sensitivity was reported to be as high as 89% with the guaiac-based FOBT from a Minnesota study. To improve detection rates for early cancer, a program incorporating colonoscopy in to the present FOBT screening would be a promising choice.