臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.2(6)

特集名 胃癌治療ガイドラインをめぐる諸問題
題名 進行胃癌に対する標準手術および拡大手術のevidence
発刊年月 2003年 02月
著者 佐野 武 国立がんセンター中央病院外科
【 要旨 】 胃癌治療ガイドラインでは,進行胃癌に対する術式として,定型手術(胃2/3以上切除+D2郭清)および拡大手術(合併切除,拡大郭清)を規定している.日本では緻密なリンパ節転移データと生存解析に基づいたD2郭清がgold standardとして標準化しているが,欧州のRCTではevidenceが得られていない.T4腫瘍の合併切除は,ほかに非治癒因子がない場合には生存に寄与すると考えられる.リンパ節郭清を目的とした膵脾合併切除の有効性にはevidenceはなく,最近脾摘に関するRCTが開始された.大動脈周囲リンパ節郭清は,RCTの結果を待つ状態となっている.今後,非治癒となる症例に対する手術方針についての指針作りが待たれる.
Theme Significance, Problems, and Future Prospect of the Gastric Cancer Treatment Guideline
Title Evidence Related to Standard and Extended Surgery for Advanced Gastric Cancer
Author Takeshi Sano Gastric Surgery Division, National Cancer Center Hospital
[ Summary ] The gastric cancer treatment guidelines laid out by the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association define "standard gastrectomy" as resection of more than 2/3 of the stomach with D2 lymphadenectomy, and "extended surgery" as combined resection of adjacent organs and/or D3 dissection. The standards for D2 gastrectomy were established in Japan based on the analysis of a large database concerned with lymph node metastasis and patients' survival rates, and have become the gold standard for treatment of advanced gastric cancer. European randomized trials, however, failed to show survival benefits associated with D2. In T4 tumors, combined resection of invaded organs may provide a cure in the absence of extensive nodal metastasis. The roles of splenectomies or para-aortic lymphadenectomies, aiming at complete loco-regional tumor control, have not yet been established. Ongoing randomized trials by the Japan Clinical Oncology Group will provide evidence related to these therapies in the future. The treatment strategy for patients with non-resectable metastasis is only briefly described in the guidelines and is expected to be included in the future edition.