臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.2(2)

特集名 胃癌治療ガイドラインをめぐる諸問題
題名 胃癌治療ガイドラインの作成過程とその間題点
発刊年月 2003年 02月
著者 佐々木 常雄 東京都立駒込病院化学療法科
【 要旨 】 日本胃癌学会では胃癌治療のガイドラインを2001年3月に,同じく患者用を同年12月に出版した.目的は標準的な医療水準を示し,施設間差なく,患者に良質な医療を提供することにあるとした.委員会では,ガイドライン作成において四つの原則を確認した.(1) 適正な治療方法を示す,技術的側面には立ち入らない,(2) EBMの準拠,しかし,それ以外の記述もある,(3) 評価は延命効果,症状の軽快,腫瘍縮小,QOLの改善も対象,(4) 評価が定まっていない,しかし有望な治療を臨床研究として示す.
Theme Significance, Problems, and Future Prospect of the Gastric Cancer Treatment Guideline
Title The Process for Issuing First Version of Gastric Cancer Treatment Guidelines and Associated Problems
Author Tsuneo Sasaki Department of Chemotherapy, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
[ Summary ] The Japanese gastric cancer association issued the first version of its gastric cancer treatment guidelines (GL) in March of 2001 and those for patients in December 2001. The aim for these GLs was to provide a standard for doctors. They are expected to reduce differences in treatment selection by different institutions.
The four principles of GLs are; (1) provide standardized indications of optinum treatment modality, not dealing with the technical aspects of treatment, (2) describe treatment based on EBM as soon as possible, when evidence becomes available, (3) the primary endpoint is survival time and the secondary point are relief of symptoms, tumor regression and QOL, (4) some promising, but not yet confirmed treatment modalities are recommended for investigation through clinical trials.
GLs should be revised in connection with developments in gastric cancer treatment.